Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/18/20

Doublemint Q:

FiAversary Workout

Q- Doublemint

Pax- Salty, Sgt. Socks, Bindi, Shop Vac and Dr. BuffWarm-up- Jumping Jacks, baby Arm Circles and Potato Diggers in cadence.

The Thang- We did the top exercises across the field. The ladder exercises and minutes of pain were done on our mats. We did a lap at the top and bottom of the ladder.

Cot- We are here to encourage one another. Sometimes we try to outdo each other. We don’t want to be the last one doing the exercises. Remember that “ The only person you should strive to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.” Matty Mullins.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/17/20

Threat Level Q:

PAX: G.I. Jane, Atlas, Tinker, Bindi, Freestyle, F-stopWarm-Up- Stretching on your own, jog to stairs and around

The Thang: complete every exercise listed. We did cardio, abs, upper body, lower body and ran to the stairs and back to finish up. Stretching on your own to cool down.

COT: I’ve been reading the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and it’s been very relaxing and enjoyable to read a good fiction book. Sometimes I stare at my phone for way too long and it never leaves me feeling good. I never regret picking up a book. I encourage you to pick up a good book and read! “Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” C.S. Lewis

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/12/20

Salty Q:

PAX: Margarette, Msafari, Sgt Socks, DoubleMint


The Thang:
Partners will take turns. One will do an exercise while the other does a shuttle run in the parking lot. Then they will switch. Exercises were as follows:
Tricep extensions
Calf raises
Curtsy lunges

Ab work:
All ladies Get in plank position in a row. The first person does 10 reps and runs and gets back in line and the next person does that same exercise then runs and so on. Meanwhile the first person starts a new exercise and repeats the same pattern until everyone has done all of them.
Flutter kicks

COT: talked about forgiveness.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/10/20

Vanilla Ice Q:

PAX: Derby, Atlas, Freestyle, Threat Level, Passport, Peaches, Houston

Warmup: Potato Diggers in cadence, Jumping Jacks Avalanche

The Thang: We need each pairing together, then held plank til everyone was done before we moved on to the next pairing.

Sally and a cool down walk to end.

The Skinny:

I have been thinking a lot lately about “imposter syndrome” and if my accomplishments are really my own doing or just luck. I’ve come to embrace the “we are not professionals” terminology we use at FiA, in other aspects of my life. None of us are experts at life – we’re all just doing the best we can with the skills and experiences we have. I think if we can each remind ourselves that it’s ok not to have everything together and perfect, we can be kinder to others and ourselves.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/8/20

Proton Q:

PAX: G.I. Jane, Msafiri, Jewels, Crush, Margarette, Freestyle (FNG!)

Warmup:  Jumping jacks and potato diggers in cadence

The thang: Dora workout pictured below. While one partner was doing the exercise, the other ran half the link of the pavilion and back.

Cool down OYO

CoT: As women, particularly in the summer when bathing suit ads begin coming out, we may have body image issues. GI Jane posted the graphic below giving us reasons to celebrate our bodies. We did an intense workout this morning, and we took a second to celebrate our bodies for carrying us through it. We are beautiful. We are strong. We are FiA.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/6/20

Summit Q:

Pax: Margarette, Msafiri, Atlas, Passport, Salty
The Thang: A “roaring twenties” theme workout with lots of running so we can get our miles in for the June mile challenge.
Warm up: jog 1 lap around the Founders short loop and then walk to the hill
Workout consists of two sets of three exercises, perform 20reps of the first exercise and run up/down the hill, then 20reps of the next exercise, etc.  We were able to complete a each set twice.  We also “enjoyed” a burpee train!
Set 1:

  • 20 pushups
  • 20 squats
  • 20 ankle biters

Set 2:

  • 20 tricep dips
  • 20 static side lunges
  • 20 second reverse plank

Cool down OYO.
COT: This week has been tough.  I’m still processing all the world’s events and feeling very introspective; I wish I had more poignant words to share.  One of the things I’ve read recently that I found encouraging is the following:
“Simple things you can do to help humanity:

  1. Don’t feed into fear, chaos, and drama
  2. Educate yourself (research deeper than surface level information)
  3. Create and spread awareness… Within yourself, within your circle, and within your community
  4. Share your voice and stand up for what you believe in (use your social media for good and not for your Ego
  5. Be the change.  Don’t stay silent or inactive when you know in your heart you need to take action.  Listen to your soul’s nudges and follow through
  6. Make every day count, you’re here for a reason.”
Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/4/20

Vanilla Ice Q:

PAX: Shop-Vac, Doublemint, Salty, Sgt. Socks

Warmup: Jumping jacks, potato diggers, tin soldiers in cadence

The Thang: everyone lines up and I start with the first person and ask questions to 1 person at a time. While 1 person is being asked the questions everyone does squats. That 1 person answering the question does fast feet. If they get it wrong everyone has to do 5 jumping jacks. If they get it right they get a pass.

Next section of questions gets harder. Those are worth 5 curtsy lunges. Everyone does squat jumps and the person answering does fast feet.Final Question: Wager anywhere from 5-25 burpees. If you get it wrong that’s what you have to do + 1 burpees for every # you are off. If you get it right we all just take a lap. Everyone has to agree. Category is: FiASally to finish up. Then stretching, COR and NOR.

The Skinny:

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/2/20

Margarette Q:

Pax: Salty, Threat Level, JewelsWarm-up: stretch, high knees and potato diggers in cadenceThe thing:
20 squats
Run a lap
15 pushups
Run a lap
10 crunches
Run a lap
5 tricep dip
Run a lap
10 leg lifts
Run a lap
15 shoulder presses
Run a lap
20 lunges
Run a lapWe ran a little over a mile and a half for our June mileage challenge 


CoT: “Don’t let not knowing where to start be your reason to do nothing. Just take the next right step. Do just one small thing for change today”

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/2/20

Doublemint Q:

Pax: Athena, Vanilla Ice, Dr. Buff, Shop-Vac, Splits(FNG), Lucy, Doublemint

Warm-up:  Just as we were getting started a train rolled through so we warmed up with burpees and then stretched on our own.

The Thing:

We drew cards to determine our workout.

2-10 = card +5
J, Q, K = 20
A= 50

Hearts: Abs
Even: Flutter Kicks (L/R=1)
Odd: Leg Lifts
Ace: Little Baby Crunches

Diamonds: Arms
Even: Hydraulics
Odd: Push-ups
Ace: Little Baby Arm Circles (25 forward, 25 backward)

Spades: Legs
Even: Lunges (L/R=1)
Odd: Jump Squats
Ace: Calf Raises

Clubs: Full Body
Even: Burpees
Odd: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Ace: Jumping Jacks

Jokers: Take a lap

We got though over half of the deck.

Cot: Phillipians 4:13 says I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

The Apostle Paul wrote Philippians from a Roman prison cell in about AD 61. Paul prospered through pain or pleasure because he knew the source of real everlasting joy and wealth. There was never a situation in which Paul was left to fend for himself. Our God goes ever before us, is always at work in us, and always has works to bring to completion through us. There is never a situation that we cannot handle with his help. God is in control, we need to trust Him even when things seem hopeless. Today we are seeing so many hopeless people doing stupid things like rioting and looting. We need to take comfort in the fact that He is still in control.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 5/30/20

Salty Q:

PAX: ShopVac, GI Jane, Jewels, Msafari, Atlas

The Thang:
4×4 workout
AMRAP for 4 minutes
4 pushups
4 sit-ups
4 superwomans
4 Burpees
Recover 1 min
AMRAP for 4 minutes
4 rosalitas
4 Tricep extensions
4 lunges
4 burpees
Recover 1 min
AMRAP for 4 minutes
4 leg lifts
4 Fire hydrant left
4 Fire Hydrant right
4 burpees
Recover 1 min
Rinse & Repeat one time

Bear-Muda triangle with Russia twists – three groups and the pax will bear crawl from one corner to the next. At each corner they will do Russian twists. They’ll start with 2 and go up by 2s till they reach 20 reps.

COT: I have recently found myself in some difficult circumstances. Life is messy!! But the Bible encourages me when it says to count it all joy when you face trials of various kinds. James 1. I’m definitely not there but that’s what I strive for. That takes a special person to be able to look at your trials and to overcome them with JOY! Not always happiness but with joyful ness.I just googled what’s the difference between happiness and joy.
Happiness is an emotion in which one experiences feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense pleasure. Joy is a stronger, less common feeling than happiness.I think it takes a great bit of maturity but this is my goal. I want my difficult circumstances to bring out the best in me!