Recent Workouts

16 days til Christmas Circuits (JBO)

Q: Bindi

Wednesday December 9th
PAX: Salty, Doublemint, Zinny, Splits

The thang: 16 days til Christmas circuit, 16 right side counts unless stated otherwise.

Station 1: mat, abs
Flutter Kicks
Peter Parkers
Elbow Plank Hip Dips
Cheerleader sit ups
** duck walk to station 2

Station 2: booty
Curtsy Lunge (16 total)
Rear Leg Lift (16 each leg)
Side leg Lift (16 each leg)
**Walk Lunge to station 3

Station 3: arms w/weights
Side raise + with arms
Hammer Curl to Overhead Press
Bent over Row or chair squat
Bent forward Kickback Arms
** Right leg squat walk to station 4

Station 4: cardio
High Knees
Jump n Jacks
Sumo Squat w/ Alt Side Lunge (new! Ouch for ALL!!)
Jump or toe Squats
**Left leg Squat walk to station 5

Station 5: mat, booty
Fire Hydrant (16 each side)
Donkey Kick (16 each side)
Elbow plank w/ alternating leg lift
** Bear Crawl to station 6

Station 6: standing abs
Hillbilly Walkers (16 RSC)
Empirial Walkers (16 RSC)
Sumo Squat with side crunch elbow to knee (16 total)
Warrior 3 pose  balance 8 seconds on each side
**crab walk to station 7

Station 7: weights
Tricep Extensions
Ax Choppers (8 on each side)
Tick Tocks (RSC)
**Skip or Jog to station 8

Station 8: cardio
Jump Rope 16
Criss Cross jumps cross punch each side (16 total)
Karate Kid Jack- Jack, Jack, break imaginary board on each leg  (16 total)
Run/Jog to island & back
**walk to circle/COT

COT: most of us are mommas… do all the things, make every memory. My son 14 came to say goodnight (we did the silly elf on the shelf and his sidekick reindeer for a few years, we didn’t last year he is just a decoration now) well my son asked me to do the things, even if its just hiding him:two_hearts: this year with everything going on our kiddos need all the normal, all the joy, all the memories we can give them, no matter their age! Have fun with your kiddos!

Recent Workouts

Thunder & Lightning (Kgspt)

Q: Bindi

Tuesday December 8, 2020
AO: Kingsport

PAX: Ariel, Wonder Woman
Warm up in cadence: arm circles forward, arm circles backward, windmills, potato diggers, Jacks

The workout: see picture

Cool down Stretch on own as I blab…

COT: Story time, you can skip to bottom if you just want the gist of things…Yesterday morning I posted about Mondays and how we think about it determines how our day will go. You don’t have to have a case of the Mondays, you can look qt it in a better view, it’s the beginning of a new week and can determine your whole week so make it great!! Well…I left my house, I went to put foundation on, it squirted past my brush on my freshly washed jeans, then I get to Mr . Jim’s to chauffeur him around and my trunk will not open!! where will I put the wheelchair? Fixed it! Ok back on track. Drive to Bristol- Red Lobster closed, Cheddars- closed, back to the Pinnacle for other gift cards. Could we possibly just buy them all at Wal-Mart or Walgreens? Yes but he does not believe in that and we are set in our ways sometimes! But I did eat 1/2 of a monte cristo at cheddars for lunch and gave hubs the rest! :yum: Anyway got back to town in a great mood stopped for a few groceries and went crazy on my son who said he did his best but did not get enough done in my personal opinion. Can we say crazy?! So that made me think…we decide! We decide our attitude, actions and atmosphere majority of the time:bulb:moral= our thought & beliefs in each moment alter our attitude to others so be mindful of how you are allowing yourself to think about situations & others

Recent Workouts

Descending Ladder (JBO)

Q: Zinny

AO: Etta’s Nest
PAX: Firecracker, Jewels, Salty, Margarette, Bindi

10 arm circles IC
10 windmills IC
10 jumping jacks

run curb to curb
35 second plank

35 bicycle crunches
20 burpees
10 plank with row (per side)
5 jumping jacks

run curb to curb
35 second high knees
35 calf raises
20 plank with row (per side)
10 burpees
5 jumping jacks

run curb to curb
35 second squat
35 shoulder press
20 jumping jacks
10 plank with row (per side)
5 burpees

run curb to curb
35 second high knees  35 seconds AMRAP curls
35 second push-ups
parking lot lap
Repeat 35 sec

Convicted lately of a complaining spirit and this quote comes to mind: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Eleanor RooseveltWe cannot avoid talking about viruses and politics – important, life-changing things are happening – but just a gentle reminder that there are other things to discuss and when you are with your people, try to find a new topic, spur one another onto love & good deeds, read a book together. Exercise is great for our physical bodies but our thoughts and our words are too!

Recent Workouts


Q: River

December 3rd 2020
AO:Riveter Station (RAD)
PAX: Troy, Glitter-Bob, and Beep Beep
Equipment: light hand weights, mat, and water
One lap around the park walking or jogging
Yoga and stretching

The Thang: HIIT 45 seconds work and 15 seconds break.
Choose your own exercise with upper body, lower body or core each time followed by cardio.

Cool down:
Yoga and stretching

Recent Workouts

25 Days of Christmas (JBO)

Q: Salty

Dec 2, 2020
AO: Ettas Nest
PAX: Jewels, splits, and Zinny

Warmup: jumping Jacks, – do the exercise till everyone names their fave Christmas movie
potato diggers – fave Christmas food

The Thang: 25 days of Christmas- between exercises run down to the other island and back.
25 squats
50 curb kickers
75 high knees
100 lunges

Arm Bag!
Popsicle sticks with 3 random arm exercises. We did reps of 7-14-21 then switched sticks 4x.

COT: Say a prayer for Sgt. Socks. She has been struggling with being down on her foot. Send her some encouragement. She’s hating being down and away from her FIA sisters.

Recent Workouts

Tour de Dolly’s (Kgspt)

Q: Mud Pie

December 1st 2020
AO: Kingsport
PAX: Bindi, Wonder Woman, Gaines, Ariel

Moving Q- Starting at Centennial Park

The Thang:

Run to First Tennessee Bank Parking Lot
          Superset 2x:
              20 shoulder taps (in handstand or in plank)
              20 walking lunges
Run to Library Stair Area
          Superset 2x:
               20 heal raises
               10 push ups
Run to Parking Garage Top Level
          Superset 2x:
               20 squat-side step- kick
               20 walking planks
Run back to Circle
          Superset 2x:
               10 jump ups (modification: step ups)
               20 dips

Recent Workouts

Thunder & Lightning (JC)

Q: Gish

Thunder and Lightning
December 7th, 2020

PAX: Atlas, Margarette, Crush, F-Stop, Salty, Callalilly

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Neither FIA, Johnson City, nor I are to be held responsible for any accidents or injuries. Modify up or down as you need and listen to your body!

Warm Up:
-slow high knees
-arm circles
-jumping jacks
-slow knees in and out

-light dumbbells (5-10 lbs)

The Thang:
-Complete each exercise
-Perform 10 Burpees between each
-hold squat or plank while other FiAs complete their burpees, and move to next exercise together
100 Calf raises
90 Squats
80 Overhead Presses
70 Bridges
60 Clams (each side)
50 Superwomen
40 Flashers
30 Hip Dips (each side)
20 Single leg deadlifts (each side)
10 Situps

The Skinny:
(disclaimer: I am a rambler and all sorts of emotional, lately.)
Depression and anxiety are terribly real, and they are also some of the most difficult things to discuss. My COT truly is a thing of trust and shedding some of my tough skin as I admit that I have dealt with depression for as long as I can remember. “Dealing” has come in countless forms, but it almost always is rooted in a desire to escape. In some stages of my life escapism took the form of the arts or my academic work, abuse of drugs and alcohol, or burying myself in romantic relationships.

Over the last decade, I know I’m not alone in warping my reality with social media. Only lately have I realized that I use aspects of my life that are typically healthy and good as form of escape. I bury myself in motherhood, meal planning, exercise, and family without really taking the time to address my underlying sickness. I have found that the only time I find myself praying and truly focusing on what matters is when I’m tending to my infant daughter in the witching hours, watching her doze off in milk-drunkenness. She is pure joy. Why don’t I take time during any other part of my day to focus on my deepest self? Why do I seek escape? Why don’t I see this joy in more of my life? I don’t have any answers, so I am set to do some real self care and dig deep to weed out distractions and battle my escapist tendencies in order to clear up some spiritual, mental, and emotional space in which I can work on my soul. If you feel disconnected, distracted, anxious, or depressed, I have no magic words for you, but just know that you’re not alone and that people who love you will understand any changes you need to make to strengthen your deepest self.

Recent Workouts

Deck of Cards (JC)

Q: Gish

December 1st, 2020
AO:Riveter Station (RAD)
PAX: Troy, Glitter-Bob, G.I. Jane, Voodoo Ranger, Flossi, Derby
Equipment: light hand weights, mat, and water

Butt-kickers with arm swings
High knee
Chest opener step back
Lap run

The Thang:
Take turns drawing a card from standard deck. Perform each exercise for reps as noted here:
2-9= 12-19
10, J, Q, K = 10
Ace: hold (given hold) for 30 seconds
Joker: ten burpees!
Hearts: rainbow butts (reverse plank)
Clubs: push-ups (plank)
Spades: squats (squat hold)
Diamonds: Russian twists (earthquake)

After each round of drawing, PAX run a loop around founders field.

COT: It’s a new season, and I’m here for it! December brought us snow, and we always get a chance for a new outlook as we winterize. 

Recent Workouts

Turkey Trot: This or That? (JC)

Q: Summit

November 26, 2020 Thanksgiving Day
AO Riveter Station

PAX: Peaches, Bindi, F Stop, Goldie, Calamity Jean, Mango, Gish, Elsa, FNG Zen


Warm up: 30 secs of gentle movements: heel taps, torso twists, walking high knees, hip circles

The thang:
Turkey Trot This or That

Q reads off the following selections and pax make their choice and complete 20 of the exercise (right side counts). Pax hold a squat until all are finished before moving onto the next choice. Halfway through and at the end of 2nd set pax run or walk 2 laps.

Wake up early vs. sleep in
High knees- dying cockroach

Travel vs stay home
Shuffle tap- windmills

Macy’s vs Disney parade
Donkey kicks- fire hydrant

Tea vs wine
Carolina dry dock- Zebra

Light meat vs dark meat
Lunges- squats2 laps

Mashed vs sweet potatoes
Windshield wiper- rosalita

Green beans vs peas
Ankle biters- bicycles

Stuffing vs dressing
Hillbillies- imperial walkers

Apple vs pumpkin pie
Superwoman- boat canoe

Football vs nap

2 laps
Cool down OYO

COT: Dinner table thanksgiving- Pax go around in the circle and name one thing you are thankful for, but you can’t repeat something that’s already been said.

Recent Workouts

Burn before the Bird (JC)

Q: Remi

AO Riveter Station -RRG

PAX: Peaches, F-Stop, CallaLilly


Warm Up: stretching on your own with a reminder to be safe during winter workouts

The Thang: Burn Before the Bird!

Set One:
50 ankle biters RLC
40 bicep curls
30 jumping jacks
20 squats
10 push-ups

Set Two:
50 arm circles (25 front, 25 back)
40 toe taps RLC
30 mountain climbers RLC
20 leg lifts
10 shoulder presses

Set Three:
50 high knees RLC
40 shoulder taps (20 each side)
30 bicycle crunches RLC
20 lunges
10 hydraulics (up counts)

Run a half lap and repeat as time allows!

COT: “Better than normal” excerpt from devotional