Recent Workouts

25 Days of Christmas (JBO)

Q: Salty

Dec 2, 2020
AO: Ettas Nest
PAX: Jewels, splits, and Zinny

Warmup: jumping Jacks, – do the exercise till everyone names their fave Christmas movie
potato diggers – fave Christmas food

The Thang: 25 days of Christmas- between exercises run down to the other island and back.
25 squats
50 curb kickers
75 high knees
100 lunges

Arm Bag!
Popsicle sticks with 3 random arm exercises. We did reps of 7-14-21 then switched sticks 4x.

COT: Say a prayer for Sgt. Socks. She has been struggling with being down on her foot. Send her some encouragement. She’s hating being down and away from her FIA sisters.