Recent Workouts

Deck of Cards (JC)

Q: Gish

December 1st, 2020
AO:Riveter Station (RAD)
PAX: Troy, Glitter-Bob, G.I. Jane, Voodoo Ranger, Flossi, Derby
Equipment: light hand weights, mat, and water

Butt-kickers with arm swings
High knee
Chest opener step back
Lap run

The Thang:
Take turns drawing a card from standard deck. Perform each exercise for reps as noted here:
2-9= 12-19
10, J, Q, K = 10
Ace: hold (given hold) for 30 seconds
Joker: ten burpees!
Hearts: rainbow butts (reverse plank)
Clubs: push-ups (plank)
Spades: squats (squat hold)
Diamonds: Russian twists (earthquake)

After each round of drawing, PAX run a loop around founders field.

COT: It’s a new season, and I’m here for it! December brought us snow, and we always get a chance for a new outlook as we winterize.