Recent Workouts

Classic Tabata (JC)

Q: F-Stop

AO: Riveter Station – WAR

PAX: Derby, Msafari, Freestyle, Acadia, Calamity Jean, Elsa, Keys


Warm-up: Jog, Windmills, High Kicks

The Thang:
Tabata Sets (20 sec on, 10 sec off)
Rounds: 4 min alternating tabata set, lap jog, 4 min alternating tabata set

Round 1: Plank Jacks, Squats
Round 2: Russian Twists, Bridges
Round 3: Bicycle Crunch, Push-ups

Cool Down: yoga series -child’s pose, cobra downward dog, forward fold, butterfly

COT: Energy is contagious. Positive and negative alike.

Recent Workouts

Run Run Rudolph (Kgspt)

Q: Wonder Woman

Where: Dolly’s Nook – Centennial Park AO
When: 12/22/20 5:30 AM
Who: Fizz, Bindi

Disclaimer, Warm Up: Toy Soldiers (Frankensteins), Snowangels (Jumping Jacks), Dashing Through the Snow forwards and backwards (High knees and Buttkickers) in cadence.

The Thang:
Run Run Rudolph. Pretend we are Santa trying to deliver all of the presents before Christmas. If you brought a ruck to wear, then add that to wear as your “sack of presents” :blush:

Round 1:
-5 squat jumps (Santa putting presents under the tree)
-10 mountain climbers (climbing the chimney) rt side cts
-10 jumping lunges (scaling the rooftops) rt side cts
– run 1 lap around park (flying around the world)

Round 2:
-4 squat jumps
-8 mountain climbers
-8 jumping lunges
– 1 lap

Round 3:
-3 squat jumps
-6 mountain climbers
-6 jumping lunges
-1 lap

Round 4:
-2 squat jumps
-4 mountain climbers
-4 jumping lunges
-1 lap

Round 5:
-1 squat jump
-2 mountain climbers
-2 jumping lunges
-1 lap
Oops! We forgot presents back at the workshop! (AKA park bathrooms)

Partner Workout:
Wall Sit/”Polar” Bear Crawl”, switch
Plank against wall/”Penguin” (Duck) Walk, switch
Belly Against the Wall/”Polar” Bear Crawl, switch

Back to the air….
Round 1:
-1 squat jump
-2 mt climbers
-2 jumping lunges
-1 lap

Round 2:
-2 squat jumps
-4 mountain climbers (add pushup)
-4 jumping lunges
-1 lap

Round 3:
-3 squat jumps
-6 mountain climbers (add pushup after 4 climbers)
-6 jumping lunges
-1 lap

Round 4:
-4 squat jumps
-8 mountain climbers (add pushup after 4 climbers, total of 2)
-8 jumping lunges
-1 lap

Round 5:
-5 squat jumps
-10 mountain climbers (add pushup after every 4 mountain climbers)
– 10 jumping lunges
-1 lap around parking lot

Santa ate too many cookies over his trip so we did 10 rounds of 10 seconds of sit-ups/10 sec of plank

COT: We may have ran ran like Rudolph but Christmas is the time to slow, slow down! Praying for time for you to enjoy your family and friends this Christmas season.

Recent Workouts


Q: Vanilla Ice


AO: Riveter Station – WAR

PAX: Remi, Mango, Calamity Jean, Bindi

Disclaimer and Warm-Up

For this workout we did a Christmas themed bingo aka ‘CLAUS’. Pick a line either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal and do each workout, with a short run in between each exercise.

Countomara and Namorama

COT: Don’t take anything for granted, we never know what tomorrow will bring especially with the year we’ve had. Put everything in perspective and don’t dwell on the negative. Seize the day!

Recent Workouts

Candy Cane of Pain (JBO)

Q: Doublemint


AO: Ettas Nest
Pax: Jewels, Bindi, Salty and Lucy

Warm-up: 5 Motivators
High Knees in cadence
Little Baby Arm Circles in cadence forward and backward without dropping arms into Randy’s (Randy is from A Christmas story when little brother Randy can’t put his arms down. Just pulse arms up and down)

The Thang:  See pic below

COT: Today our workout was in the shape of a Candy Cane, so I wanted to share the story around the Candy Cane.

It had to be special to be a gift for the King of Kings, thought the humble candy maker from Indiana. Not just any piece of candy would do. It had to be hard candy because the church is built on solid rock and God’s promises are a firm foundation. It would be formed in the shape of the Good Shepherd’s staff. A “J” that would also stand for the precious name of Jesus.
But it had to say more. White stripes would symbolize the virgin birth and
sinless nature of Christ. Three small red stripes would represent the scourging Jesus suffered on His way to the cross. One large red stripe would remind those with eyes to see and ears to hear of the blood Jesus shed as payment for our sins. It would be a gift of love that would tell His story –
the greatest story ever told

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Recent Workouts

Elf Bootcamp (Kgspt)

Q: Bindi

AO: Dolly’s Nook – Centennial Park
Pax: Wonder Woman, Mud Pie 


Welcome to Elf Bootcamp

Warm up:
making snowballs (potato diggers) 10 in cadence
Chocolate covered Pretzels (Pretzel arms) 10 in cadence
Snow Shooing (slow high knees) 10 RSC
Dashing thru the Snow (run a lap)

10 Sleigh Pullers (Bent over Row to Kickback)
15 “I love you”s (Burpees)
20 Reindeer Crushers (push ups)
25 “Have you seen these toilets?” (Tricep dips)
30 Angel in the Snow Standing (Jacks)

10 I like ALL the food! (Sumo squat to Right Lunge to Sumo Squat to Left Lunge) RSC
15 Santa Climbing the Chimney (Peter Parkers) RSC
20 Santa Clause is Coming to Town (Lunge w/rear leg lift) ES
25 I’m so Excited!! (Calf Raise w/ Straight arm, Finger sprinkles)
30 Buddy Hugs (Squat to light jump in hug self w/arms)
35 Santa grabbing gifts (deadlift to weighted squat)

10 Santa Belly Work (Side Plank Ups) ES
15 Reindeer Upside Downs (Bridge, opposite hand to opposite foot)
20 Santa Train Conductors (Side Plank bend elbow to knee ups) ES
25 Buddy’s Tricycle (Siting Bicycle Crunches) RSC
30 Hide the gifts! Kids are Coming! (Russian Twists) RSC

Cool down: YOGA
Runners lung to triangle pose
Side plank hold
Tree pose
Warrior 3
Bird Dog to Cat/Cow
Downward to Upward Dog

COT: Spend time with each kiddo separately. Games and family fun chatter. Somehow toot talk was mixed in bc I ate pizza :flushed: and we all 3 are boy mom so farts are cool :woman-shrugging::skin-tone-4::woman-facepalming::skin-tone-4:

I’d like to add spend time with parents if you can- everyone is in an odd place right now, be kind!

Recent Workouts

4 Stations (JBO)

Q: Splits

12/16/2020 Ettas Nest
Q: Splits
PAX: Firecracker, Numbers, Jewels, Salty, Zinny

Warm up:

Potatoe diggers
High Knees
Big arm circles


4 stations across the parking lot
Arms, legs, core, and cardio/butt
With a bridge lap in between each station

Cool Down:

Static arm stretches
Runners lunge
Calf stretch

COT: Being Grateful- with all the struggles and hard times of this year. We all have had wonderful times and wonderful moments of this year. I was laid off, found a terrible job that I dreaded, but God had a plan and put me in a position of the field I had been working towards. I gained a greater love and appreciation for my husband. And so much more. So I encourage you on your drive home to count your blessings of this year. Because God has done some amazing things if we take the time to notice them.

Recent Workouts

Run, Run, Rudolph Dora! (JC)

Q: F-Stop

AO: Riveter Station
PAX: Derby, Margarette, Remi
Warm Up: windmills, potato diggers, high knees in cadence

The Thang:
Run, Run, Rudolph Dora
Run portion: length of pavilion and back
300 Reverse Lunges
250 Upright Rows
200 100 Dolly Abs
150 75 Overhead Presses
100 50 LBCs
50 25 Plank Jacks
25 Hillbillies
We had to modify reps to complete on time.

Cool down: Stretching

COT: While we may be missing some holiday traditions, try to start new holiday traditions to find joy this holiday season. My way of doing this was through a cookie baking marathon.

Recent Workouts

1.5 minutes (RAD)

Q: Troy

AO: Riveter Station – RAD

PAX: Acadia, glitter bob, river


Good arm stretching and then a lap for a warm up.

Thang: 1.5 minutes of each, Side shuffle around between each (30s)
Small arm circles
Big arm circles
Prayer hand pulses
Four corners double punches
Arm swings Side to side
Tricep dips
Lat raises
Cheerleader front and sides
Plank taps
Push ups
Chicken wings
Scare crows
Over head press
Bent rows
Weighted Wrist twists
Hill billies
Imperial walkers
Hold plank
High plank twist up to sky each arm
Hold crab walk table

COT: Merry Christmas!

Recent Workouts

12 Days of Christmas (JC)

Q: Remi

AO: Riveter Station

PAX: Crush, F-Stop, CallaLillyDisclaimerWarm Up: stretching arms and legs for 10 count 

The Thang:
12 Days of Christmas Workout
1 Burpee
2 Squat Jumps
3 Leg Lifts
4 Mountain Climbers
5 Bicycle Crunches
6 Jumping Jacks
7 Russian Twists
8 Push-ups
9 Bicep Curls
10 Glute Bridges
11 Calf Raises
12 High Knees

Move through the 12 days of Christmas by doing the first move, then move 2 + move 1, then move 3, move 2, + move 1, etc. until you have done all 12 moves! Once finished counting up, count back down as time allows. (We got to 7 or 8 on the way back down)

COT: Just be kind and intentional with people around the holidays, especially the COVID version of the holidays. Crush brought up that no one has the right answers, we’re all just trying to make the best of what we have right now.

Recent Workouts

Christmas movie trivia! (JBO)

Q: Salty

Dec 11, 2020
AO: Ettas Nest
PAX: Jewels, splits, firecracker, numbers, DoubleMint, Lucy, bindi

Warmup: in cadence – jumping Jacks, high knees, arm stretch, leg stretch

split into teams! It’s a competition.

Team 1 reads off their Christmas movie line. If they figure out which movie the quote is from, they get to choose which exercise we will all do. If they choose to pass they can. If the other team gets it they get to choose the exercise. If team 2 gets it right, after the pass, team 1 has to do 10 burpees. If they get it wrong they run to the island and back. The team with the most points at the end will choose if we do Ring of Fire or Sally.

COT: share about Ben Bright suddenly passing away. Hug your people and love them well. Bless this family if you can!

Firecracker shares that her husband had a stroke this week. He’s in rehab now but needs a lot of prayer.
End in prayer.