Recent Workouts

Tombstone Hill Dora (JC)

Q: Atlas

Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 5:30am

AO: Riveter Station – RRG

PAX: Peaches, Katniss,Crush, Margarette, Acadia

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Workout at your own risk and modify exercises as necessary.

Warm-up: Mosey from sundial to Tombstone Hill and Potato Diggers in cadence

The Thang: We did a Dora partner workout. One partner ran to the top of Tombstone Hill and did 5 jumping jacks while the other partner did the exercises and they switched off until finished. 

  • 300 Squats
  • 200 LBCs
  • 100 Push ups
  • 50 Burpees

As we finished the PAX stretched it out until everyone was finished. 

The Skinny: “But did you die?” In the midst of a workout we often feel like we just can’t do it any longer. But, we are stronger than we realize. We come to FiA to get better and we are #BetterTogether.

Recent Workouts

Wheel of FiA! (Kgspt)

Q: Gaines

AO Dolly’s Nook

PAX: Cheetah, Bindi, Packin, Rousey Red, Sunny


Warmup: arm circles, potato diggers, high knees


Each person gave the wheel a spin & we did the exercise it landed on for 1 minute.
Full body workout with cardio! Most exercises were done 3 times. See pic below.

COT: “The deepest craving of human nature is the need to feel appreciated.” – William James
I’m currently reading “The Power of a Positive Mom.” As adults we want to feel appreciated at work as well as at home. Also, be mindful of our kids & their need to feel appreciated. Feed their little spirits with positive words. Some psychologists say, when someone hears one negative comment, it takes 10 positive comments to overcome the effects of the negative one.

Recent Workouts

1 Minute Exercises (JC)

Q: Boots

AO: Riveter Station – RRG

PAX: Callalily, Acadia, Msafiri, Peaches, Atlas


Warmup In cadence: imperial walkers, cherry pickers.  Jog up stairs and around amphitheater and back down. 

Thang:  See photo below

–  3 circuits (lower body, upper body, abs)
– 2 rounds of each circuit- each exercise performed for 1 minute, with 15 seconds of rest between
– Jog/ walk lap between each circuit

Cool down / Stretch

Count: 6 PAX!!!

Recent Workouts

Weighted Wednesday (JBO)

Q: Splits


AO: Ettas Nest

PAX: Firecracker, Numbers, Zinny, Doublemint

Warm up:
Potatoes diggers
Static oblique stretches
High knees

The thing:
24 of everything
Little baby crunches, cherry pickers, heels to heaven, scissor kicks, hello dolly’s, ankle biters, Russian twists, and superwomans.

3 sets. With a bridge lap and 25 push ups inbetween.

1st set no weights, 2nd set with hand weights, 3rd set optional weights.

1 minute of each: regular plank, shoulder taps in a plank, hip dips, and each side plank.

Cool Down:
Prone press up
Child pose
Static oblique stretches

COT: Lately I’ve been going through a rough patch of health uncertainties. The main thing I’ve been able to tell myself to keep going is, James 1:2-5 “Consider it PURE JOY my brothers and sisters when you face trials of many kinds. Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perservearnce.” Remeber whether you’re tackling a mountain or a mole hill, that God is with you and He has such great plans for you out of these struggles!

Recent Workouts

Stars & Stripes (Kgspt)

Q: Bindi

AO: Dolly’s Nook

PAX: Rousey Red, RockStar, Gaines, Friend, Ariel


Warm Up: potato diggers, imperial walkerss, arm circles

The Thang: see pictures

COT: Sometimes we would benefit from closing our mouth. We sometimes say too much, share too much when it would be best to be still and listen.

Recent Workouts

75 Hard DONE! (Kgspt)

Q: Rousey Red

AO: Dolly Nook

PAX: Ariel, Packin, Jett (2.0), Cheetah, Friend, Sunny, Sassy


The Thang: Celebration of my completion of 75 Hard!

7 – squats (40)
5 – lunges (30)

H – high knees (20)
A – arm circles forward and backwards (15 each)
R – Rocky Sit-ups (20)
D – Dips, triceps (30)

D – donkey kicks (20 each side)
O – overhead press (15)
N – Negative deadlift – lower slowly w/ weights (15)
E – elbow plank (45 secs)

AMRAP the above exercises
Walk between each round

We finished 2 full rounds with 15 mins left  so we added 20 Hammer Curls 15 Kickbacks (left and right side)  20 Upright Rows and some Yoga!

COT: Do not dull anyone’s sparkle! You can do hard things when you put your mind to it! Shared my 75 Hard Journey Progress pictures! Throughout my journey, I had someone say something to me about what I was doing that got me down for just a little bit, but I realized I was strong (how hard I worked so far) and I pushed through the bump in the road! It was a long and hard journey, but I did it! Below is the verse  I repeated in my head everyday to get through 75 Hard!I will share my Day 1 and Day 75 pictures upon request! I’m just not much on posting all of them on social media. Also, if anyone decides to do it, I will be your personal cheerleader! You got this!!

Recent Workouts

The Millennial (JC)

Q: Margarette

AO: Riveter Station – WAR

PAX: Summit, Gish, Elsa, Freestyle, Callalily 

Birthday workout
Warm up: Cupid shuffle (done in plank)

The millennial- all start the exercise, whoever gets to 100 first yells out “100!” We’ll run a lap and start another exercise

1. Squats
2. Alternating shoulder taps (both arms count)
3. Lunges (each leg counts)
4. Tricep extensions
5. Calf raises
6. Hallelujahs (we made it to here!)
7. Glute bridges
8. Bicep curls
9. Deadlifts
10. Bent over rows

Finish with captain Thor- 1 BG sit up:4 Russian twists to 10:40

COT: I was being really reflective of my 20s, the last 10 years. I graduated college, lost 2 grandparents, worked 4 different jobs, went through a horrible break up, met my hubby, lived through a pandemic, got married, had more car trouble than I can count, bought a house. Some really bad things happened but some amazingly good things happened. Life did not go the way I planned it. My original plan was to marry in my early 20s, have a couple kids already and be living at the beach. However life is better than I could’ve planned, the ups and the downs. I’m reminded of the verse proverbs 16:9- “we can make our plans but the lord determines our steps.” Or the funny way to say it- “man plans, god laughs.” I realize my plan is not perfect and God is at work to bring beauty from the pain and ultimately work it out for our good

Recent Workouts

Dora (JBO)

Q: Salty

AO: Etta’s Nest

PAX: Firecracker, DoubleMint, Jewels

Warm up: stretch, high knees, arm circles

The Thang:

Big girl sit ups 500
Overhead claps 400
Mountain climbers (RSC) 300
Bicycle crunches 200
Squats 100

Between each exercise set the team walks a lap around library.

Cool down: walk a lap

COT: Bible verse – Exodus 14:14