Recent Workouts

The Millennial (JC)

Q: Margarette

AO: Riveter Station – WAR

PAX: Summit, Gish, Elsa, Freestyle, Callalily 

Birthday workout
Warm up: Cupid shuffle (done in plank)

The millennial- all start the exercise, whoever gets to 100 first yells out “100!” We’ll run a lap and start another exercise

1. Squats
2. Alternating shoulder taps (both arms count)
3. Lunges (each leg counts)
4. Tricep extensions
5. Calf raises
6. Hallelujahs (we made it to here!)
7. Glute bridges
8. Bicep curls
9. Deadlifts
10. Bent over rows

Finish with captain Thor- 1 BG sit up:4 Russian twists to 10:40

COT: I was being really reflective of my 20s, the last 10 years. I graduated college, lost 2 grandparents, worked 4 different jobs, went through a horrible break up, met my hubby, lived through a pandemic, got married, had more car trouble than I can count, bought a house. Some really bad things happened but some amazingly good things happened. Life did not go the way I planned it. My original plan was to marry in my early 20s, have a couple kids already and be living at the beach. However life is better than I could’ve planned, the ups and the downs. I’m reminded of the verse proverbs 16:9- “we can make our plans but the lord determines our steps.” Or the funny way to say it- “man plans, god laughs.” I realize my plan is not perfect and God is at work to bring beauty from the pain and ultimately work it out for our good