Recent Workouts

Backblast 12/18/19

Atlas Q:

PAX: Atlas, Margarette, Gish
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Workout at your own risk and modify exercises as necessary.

Warm-up: High knees, jumping jacks in cadence
The Thang:
1. Running with Rudolph (5 high knees, 5 mountain climbers/ 5 sets)
2. Cupid crunches (10 crunches)
3. Dasher’s Flight School (5 snow angels, 5 superwoman/ 5 sets)
4. Take-offs with Vixen (10 burpees)
5. Punch the Abominable Snowman with Prancer (sit up, punch 5 times/ 5 sets)
6. Blitzen’s “Blades of Glory” (10 skater lunges)
7. Donner’s Peppermint Twists (10 Russian Twists)
8. Carrying the toys with Comet (10 hallelujahs)
9. Landing Practice with Dancer (10 jump squats)
10. Santa Congratulating his flight crew (10 shoulder taps)
11. Reindeer Practice run (lap around Farmer’s Market) then repeat until time is up.
We did this one and a half times then finished off with a bit of Sally.

Cool Down: PAX stretched it out as we circled up.

COT: If you had asked me 8 months ago if I’d be leading a workout outside in 25 degrees at 5:30 in the morning, I would have said you were crazy. There is a quote from Andy Andrews that says “Discipline is the ability to do something you don’t want to do, in order to get a result you really want to get.” This is true with fitness or anything we have to work for.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 12/16/19

Passport Q:

12 Days of Christmas!

PAX: Diego, Katahdin, Margarette, Crush, Salty, Peaches, Atlas, Gish, Passport.


Warmup: jumping jacks, high knees, potato diggers, all in cadence. Arm circles.

The Thang:
12 days of Christmas, just like the song.

First day- 30 second plank for FIA
2nd day- 2 walking lunges
3rd day- 3 low squats
4th day- 4 quick high knees
5th day- 5 holiday burpees
6th day- 6 hallelujahs
7th day- 7 perfect pushups
8th day- 8 jumping jacks
9th day- 9 mountain climbers
10th day- 10 leaping lunges
11th day- 11 Russian twists
12 day- 12 crawling inchworms

We had a couple of minutes spare at the end, so we did a round of Sally to finish off.

COT: 13 things mentally strong women don’t do.

Announcements- Atlas’ Reindeer Games Q on Wednesday, party on Thursday. Check #swag channel on Slack.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 12/14/19

Whoopi Q:

PAX of 5 – Whoopi (Q), ShopVac, MSafari, All Star, Gish, Whoopi

Warmup: We did a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Tour de JC! All of Santa’s present were stolen by the evil Krampus pirates, so Santa sent us (an elite team of elves) to get back the presents and save Christmas! All decisions were made before the PAX knew what exercises they represented. Starting at Founders Park, the PAX had the choice to take the more direct, but dangerous route or the safe longer route. They chose the dangerous route, which was up Tombstone Hill. Since the pirates had scouts in that area, we had to bearcrawl up half of the hill and tiptoe the other half. At the top we ended up being spotted, so we sprinted back to the beginning and had to take the long route anyway. We ran to Whitney St and since we knew this choice was safe, we ran up the hill backwards to make sure we weren’t being followed. We skipped past the graveyard as to look “nonchalant” if spotted. Continuing down Whitney, we arrived at the edge of the pirate ocean. PAX could choose to either jump from ice block to ice block (squat jumps) or stay on one ice block to paddle forward (walking lunges) for one block. Turning right on W Main St, we found the ship (the white wall in front of the Wash sign). PAX had to choose whether to climb on board by a possibly guarded ladder (25 step ups) or hoist themselves up by a rickety rope (25 wall pushups). The rope ended up breaking so those that choose the rope had to be carried, by either piggy back ride or fireman’s carry, the next block.Take a left on N Boone and head towards the JC Christmas tree. Since we were all on board the ship at this point, we had to squat and duck walk the next block to avoid detection. Finally arriving at the Christmas tree, we found the presents but were also confronted by the pirates! The PAX had to decide to fight (high kicks and jabs) or make peace (yoga sequence). We all decided to make peace using the spirit of Christmas and the pirates decided to give back the presents!We ran back to Founders Park through downtown.

COT: How we choose to look at something can make all of the difference. Savor the choices that bring joy and be grateful for the times that we were saved from the natural consequences of our negative choices.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 12/11/19

Threat Level Q:

PAX of 5- Threat Level, Peaches, Gish, All Star and Margarette


Jog to warm up

The thang:
Jog a lap between each exercise
100 squats
90 mountain climbers
80 pretzel arms
70 jumping jacks
60 lunges
50 crunches
40 shoulder taps
30 tricep extensions
20 curls
10 burpees

COT- With moving to a new place throughout the week, I’ve been so busy and haven’t been able to enjoy much time with my daughter. She is growing so fast and this is such a fun age, so I want to slow down and really enjoy this season. I encouraged everyone else to slow down and enjoy the things that are important to them right now.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 12/5/19

Whoopi Q:

12 Days of Christmas
PAX of 6 – Whoopi (Q), Vanilla Ice, Atlas, Doublemint, Gish, Smores
Whoopi Warmup to “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”

“On the first day of Christmas my FIAs gave to me…”
1 – a Christmas running party (a lap around a tree shape made by lamp posts)
2 – 2 jump squats
3 – 30 second plank
4 – 4 burpees
5 – 5 long held leg lifts
6 – 6 hard push ups
7 – 7 full sit ups
8 – 8 mountain climbers
9 – 9 knee tap lunges
10 – 1 minute wall sit
11 – tae-bo punch kicks
12 – inchworms
Just like the song, start with the first exercise. Then move to the second and first again. Then third, second, first, etc. until you’re doing all 12!

COT – “As my life has been altered once, it can change again…”
I was recently talking with someone who just found out their unborn child has down syndrome. The news seemed to come out of the blue and she is having trouble processing through it. I remember when I found out that I had cancer and it felt the same way – I woke up and everything was fine, and then someone told me I had cancer. We all come across things like this daily, big and small. And when you are hit by a big one or seem to be drowning under a LOT of little ones, it’s encouraging to me to remember that we don’t know what a day can hold. And we can just as easily get the worst news as get the best news. Yes, there was a day I was told I had cancer, but there was also a day when I met the love of my life. Both were unexpected. There were multiple days where I locked my keys in my car, but there were also days that I got an unexpected few hours to read in a coffee shop. There are days I feel fat and gross, but there are also days that I feel strong and beautiful. When a hard thing hits, definitely feel all the feelings but remember that it isn’t the end of the story, and who knows what gifts tomorrow might bring.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 12/4/19

Diego Q:

Warm Up
Potato diggers x10
IC Arm circles x10 forward & backward

Burpees x10
Lateral raises x10
Overhead press x10
Burpees x10
SPRINT x2 (around half of farmers market)
Rinse and Repeat

RING OF FIRE – push ups

Diego -Q
All Star
The Frizz

Recent Workouts

Backblast 11/25/19

Margarette VQ:


PAX of 9- Threat Level, Crush, Gish, Shop Vac, Atlas, G.I. Jane, Salty, Peaches, Margarette

Warm up- run a lap around farmers market pavilion.

Start with 10 reps of each exercise, decrease 1 rep for each round, run a lap between rounds.

– Turkey Feather Flappers (jumping jacks)
– Goblet Gobblers (goblet squats)
–  Feather Flexers (bicep curls)
– Wing Workers (tricep dips)
– Harvest Hops (plank jacks)
– Pilgrim pop-ups (burpees)

COT: My churches sermon series has been about “Hope in the Dark.” It’s been very impactful for me so I wanted to share my overall take away. Everyone’s darkness is different but everyone has darkness in their life. This Sunday we talked about being with people in their darkness. Showing up, listening, crying. Sometimes there’s no need to say anything, just enter into the hurt with them. I’ve seen this in FiA and I want to encourage all of us to find someone that’s hurting this holiday season and be a light to them.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 11/18/19

Passport Q:

“A change is as good as a rest”

Pax: passport, gish, atlas, salty.
Jumping jacks, potato diggers, lunges, step ups on wall, side steps on wall.
Workout: with weights
 1. Squats x 10
 2. Step ups onto wall x 10
    3.    Rest or sit-ups x2  (Repeat 1,2,3)
    4.    Pistol squat x 10, or sit and stand,each side
    5.    Single leg deadlift, alternate legs x 20
    6.    Rest or 20 V-ups.   (repeat 4,5,6)
    7.    Squat, lunge, squat, alternate x 20
    8.    Side steps onto wall (same as in warmup) x 10 each side.  
    9.    Rest or Russian twists x 20.     (Repeat 7,8,9)
    10.    Stuff legged deadlift x 10
    11.    Clean and press x 10 (repeat 7 & 8).
    12.    Rest or rotate side planks x 20.    (Repeat 10,11,12)

COT: explanation of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), and how body repairs your muscles to be stronger. Muscle soreness is good, it means you are moving forward in your fitness journey!

Recent Workouts

Backblast 11/7/19

Salty Q:

Would you rather?
With RAD ladies.


Warm up with these in cadence
Potato diggers
Arm stretch 2x
Leg stretch 2x
Lap around the field

The Thang: it was an awful rain! We went around the circle and drew a card. Each card had a “would you rather question”. You would read the card pick your answer. Your answer also chose the exercises each time. We continued to do this the entire time.

The Skinny- COT: questions! Ask hard questions! I can’t tell you how many times I have kept quiet for fear of looking stupid – in silly things and even more serious things. Take the time and mental energy it takes to get answers to your questions. Ask them. Be brave and listen.

PAX of 10 included Q Salty, Sgt Socks, ShopVac, Houston, Sobe, Bobby, Heartland, 2.0 Princess Sparkles, Breezy, and Hot Rocks.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 11/6/19

Gish Q:


Crush, Margarette, Salty, Threat Level, Passport, Peaches, Gish

Gear: light hand weights and mats


In cadence:

Jumping jacks

Potato diggers

High knees


Leave hand weights at base

Jog mats to bottom of hill

The Thang:

Complete each set and hold squat or plank until everyone is done. Then move to next set.

Jog or Walk to base

20 jump Squats (if able)

Sprint lot lap

20 Goblet Squats

Hold plank or squat when done

Jog or Walk to bottom of hill

20 Plyometric Push Ups (if able)

Run as fast as you can up and down hill

20 regular Push Ups 

Hold plank or squat when done

Jog or walk to base

20 Jump Lunges

Sprint lot lap

20 regular Lunges

Hold plank or squat when done

Jog or walk to bottom of hill

20 reverse situps

Run as fast as you can up and down hill

20 Superwomen

Hold plank or squat when done

Jog or walk to base

20 tricep Dips 

Sprint lot lap


Hold plank or squat when done

Jog or walk to bottom of hill

20 Burpees (We stopped here, due to time, but got those burpees in!)

Run as fast as you can up and down hill

20 shoulder taps

Hold plank or squat when done

Jog or run to base

20 bicep curls

Sprint lot lap

20 overhead presses

Hold plank or squat when done

Cool Down:

Walk back to farmers market base 

More stretching as needed.

The Skinny:



COT: I am not the most self-driven person and have always found it too easy to give up when I don’t see immediate satisfactory results. This is so counterproductive! Plateaus on the way to any goal, be it financial, social, physical, or any other, can be terribly frustrating, but they are not defeat. Keep moving! If you slow down, at least you’re still progressing. These cold months are surely going to be a test for my resolve, and I’m so glad to have FIA to help me, even if it’s just simply moving on those hard days.