Recent Workouts

Sally & Friends (Jonesboro)

Q: Salty

PAX: FNG Sprinkles, Bookworm, Zinny, Katniss, Peaches

The Thang: Sally and Friends

Sally (hold a squat; bring it up when song says)

Ring of Fire (hold plank; PAX go around the circle & do 6 shoulder taps each)

Ghostbusters (lunges; burpee)

You’re a mean one Mr Grinch (high knees till you hear “Mr Grinch” and then burpee)

Booty Song (glute bridges & variations)

Exs & Ohs (mountain climbers / star crunches)

Thunderstruck (hold squat, squat jump at “thunder,” sprint at “thunderstruck”)

Run a lap between each song

COT: Corrie Ten Boom story of courage and forgiveness. One of the meanest guards at the concentration camp she was at, came up to her after she’d spoken at a church service and told her he had become a believer in Jesus and asked her to forgive him. He extended his hand to shake hers. She froze. She realized she didn’t want to forgive him but she knew with Gods help she could. In that split second she asked the Father to help her forgive and she extended her hand to shake his. She knew it was only by His Grace that she could do so. Life is all about choices. She chose to forgive and continue to move forward and do good. She could have let the pain and bitterness win but she didn’t. She lived to be 91 and spoke extensively all throughout the world about her story of forgiveness.

Recent Workouts

Thunder & Lightning (Kgspt)

Q: Bindi

Where: Kingsport Centennial Park AO
When: 6/30/22 @ 5:30
Who: Katniss, Ariel, Peaches, Malibu


Warm Up: Arm Circles, in cadence potato diggers & jumping Jack’s

Thunder n Lightning run down & back until get to 40 (due to time constraint)

100 Squats
90 Bridges
80 LBCs
70 Overhead Press
60 Sumo Squats w/dumbbell swing through
50 Hip Dips (25 each side) plank w/hip drop
40 Tricep Dips/Extensions
30 Donkey Kicks (on both sides)
20 Deadlifts
10 Burpees


Recent Workouts

Circuit Training (JC)

Q: F-Stop

Where: Founders Park AO – Rosies Rise & Grind

Time: 5:30/6:15am

PAX: boots, Katniss, Callalilly

Warm-Up: Lap

The Thang: Circuit Training (3 cycles each circuit, 45 sec on 15 sec off)
Circuit 1:

  1. Walkout w/ Push Up
  2. Jumping Jacks
  3. Burpees
  4. Fast Feet
    Circuit 2:
  5. Squat w/ Leg Raise
  6. Jumping Lunges
  7. Fire Hydrant (L)
  8. Fire Hydrant (R)
    Circuit 3:
  9. Plank w/ Leg Lift
  10. Sit Ups
  11. Toe Touch Crunches
  12. Ankle Biters

COT: Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few moments. Even you.

Recent Workouts

The Dirty Diamond (JBO)

Q: Peaches

AO: Etta’s Nest

PAX: Katniss, Salty, Sourdough

Welcome/ Disclaimer

Warm up: step routine/cardio to music

:gem: The Dirty Diamond :gem:
(Essentially an ascending, then descending ladder-style Q.)
See attached photo.

left spine: # of Reps of each exercise in the row (10, 20, 30, 40)

Between each set/row on the Diamond, there was a movement component that entailed run/skip/diagonal lunge down the parking lot & back.

COT: a quote from CS Lewis – “Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.”

Recent Workouts

Burpee Power Hour (JC)

Q: Margarette

Saturday, February 26, 2022
AO Riveter Station, WAR

PAX: Elsa, Sourdough, Peppermint Patty, Gish


Warm Up: high knees, potato diggers, stretch while I explained the workout

The Thang: Burpee Power Hour

I used a power hour music mix on YouTube, this switched the song every minute. We did 100 reps of exercises.

When the song switched, we did 1 burpee and continued counting.

The exercises were:
-bicep curls
-tricep extensions or kickbacks
-lateral raises
(Ran a lap)
-shoulder press
-imperial walkers
-bent over rows
(Run a lap)

I think we did about 40 burpees

Ended with abs- 1 min of each heel taps, crunches, bicycle crunches, plank.

COT: between the FiA nation declutter challenge and watching a documentary about minimalism, I’ve been thinking a lot about my stuff, what’s needed, what’s clutter, etc. I’ve been a maximalist my whole life, but have found it so freeing to get rid of stuff I don’t really need.

Recent Workouts

Blackjack (JC)

Q: Summit

Wednesday, February 23, 2022
AO Riveter Station -RRG

PAX: Boots, Callalily, Peppermint Patty, Katniss, Margarette


Warm Up: squats, side lunges, jumping jacks

The Thang:
Blackjack with block burpees and Mike Tyson’s.
We finished with an ab circle: 1 minute of ankle biters, glute bridges, and leg raises.

The Skinny: I was a wreck this morning and forgot my contacts and water (ran back to the house for contacts lol); but the weather was warm so that’s a plus. It was rainy so we moved to the pavilion.

For black jack we ran half the length of the pavilion alternating our exercises.
By 18 block burpees my shoulders were screaming.
We took a break and did 2 rounds of 20-20-20 jumping jacks, squats, and bicep curls.

COT: I wish I was interesting and had something interesting or funny to say for a COT. BUT, the weather is warming and I’m so thankful for a change in season coming up. That’s all I got . Lol.

Recent Workouts

40s (RAD)

Q: Oreo

February 22, 2022

AO: Riveter Station RAD

PAX: Elsa, Sgt. Socks, Mini, Gish


Warm Up: never have I ever.
Hamstring stretches, high knees, butt kicks, cross arm stretches, triceps stretches, quad stretch.


Forties (with light weights): 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30 for each of the following:

  • Squats/Bicep curls
  • crunches/Supermans (no weights)
  • boy bands (no weights)/arm raises
  • lunges/triceps
  • standing crunches/hip dips

COT: Our bodies are intentionally made and intentionally made different. We shouldn’t compare ourselves to others, but thank them for being working strong bodies! 

Recent Workouts

AMRAP 10-20-30 (JC)

Q: Boots

AO: Riveter Station – RRG

PAX: Gish, Peppermint Patty, Doodle, Summit, Katniss, Sourdough, Callalilly

Disclaimer- FiA is not responsible, exercise at your own risk, modify up or down, …

Warmup: while I explained the “beat down”

  •  Hamstring pulls
  • Imperial walkers
  • Jump rope
  • (IC) Potato diggers

Thang – AMRAP- As Many Reps As Possible (See photo below)

  •  4 cycles- each cycle 7 minutes 
  • 1 min rest between cycles
  • ***We heard a train headed our way at the end of the warmup- so the first cycle was predominately a 4-5 minute burpee train!***

Abdominal Ender: 

  •  1 min plank
  • 1 min boat pose
  • 1 min bicycle crunches
  • 1 min leg raises

Count: 8 PAX!!!

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you sit there

Recent Workouts

FiA Fitness Tests (all AOs)

Q: Summit

Fia Fitness Tests February 2022

Friday 2/4/22 AO Etta’s Nest
PAX: Katniss, Doublemint, Zinny, Bookworm

Tuesday 2/8/22 AO Riveter Station RAD
PAX: Mini, Oreo

Saturday 2/12/22 AO Riveter Station WAR
PAX: Freestyle, Gish, Sourdough

Wednesday 2/16/22 AO Riveter Station RRG
PAX: Boots, Callalily, Gish

Saturday 2/19/22 AO Dolly’s Nook
PAX: Cheetah, Bindi, Ariel, Malibu


Warm Up: IC jumping jacks, windmills, high knees

Short Tabata: 2 rounds 30 secs on/10 secs off with 30 sec recovery between sets.

We rotated among the following sets at each workout:
jumping jacks & imperial walkers, seal jacks & jump shots, Mountain climbers & inchworms, raggedy anns & squats.

Once we were warmed up we completed the following for the fitness test:

  • 1 mile run (timed)
  • Push ups (#/minute)
  • Sit ups (#/minute)
  • Plank hold (total time, unlimited)
  • Burpees (#/minute)
  • Sit & reach (inches +/-)

COT: Try to take what you did today in the fitness test to set a new goal for yourself so that you can continue to grow in your workouts with Fia. And don’t forget that we are #bettertogether.