Recent Workouts

Backblast 7/15/20

Atlas Q:

PAX: Proton, F-Stop. Bindi, Crush, Margarette, Atlas
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Workout at your own risk and modify exercises as necessary.
Warm-up: 5 Burpees and Potato Diggers
The Thang: We did a Dora partner workout. One partner ran a stair lap while the other partner did the exercises and they switched off until finished. 

  • 400 LBCs
  • 300 Squats
  • 200 Flutter Kicks
  • 100 Push ups

As we finished the PAX held a squat or plank until everyone was finished. We ended the workout with a round of Sally. 

The Skinny: Esther 4:14b “…. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” No matter what life may look like at this time, I believe that we are here at this time and place for a reason. As a teacher I look forward to meeting my new students each year and know that I am their teacher for a reason. This year that is going to look very different, but we are in this together,”for such a time as this”.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 7/14/20

Doublemint Q:

Pax: Salty and Curry (FNG)

Jumping Jacks, Baby Arm Circles, and Potato Diggers in cadence.

The Thang:
R:  Reverse Crunches
I:   Imperial Walkers (RSC)
V:  V-ups
E:  Elf on the Shelf (RSC)-  In standing position, pick up weights off ground on left and transfer to right then transfer back to left. That is 1.
T:  Tricep Dips/Extensions
E:  Escalator (Jumping Jacks-10, Push-ups-20, Lunges-30 RSC)
R:  Rosalitas

Run a Lap

S:  Squats
T:  Toe Touches
A:  Ab Kickers (RSC)- In Crab position alternate kicking legs out.
T:  T-Lift-Superman with arms out to side in T shape
I:  Incline Push-ups
O: Overhead Shoulder Circles- baby arm circles with arms extended over head.
N:  No Surrender (ELC)-From standing position drop to one knee then both knees. Stand back up one leg at a time. Alternate starting leg.

We did 30 reps of each exercise with a squat or plank between until everyone was done. We ended by running one more lap and doing a round of Sally.


My daughter has been struggling with her attitude. She tends to wear her emotions on her sleeve just like her momma. I have told her many times that our attitudes effect others for good or bad. We are dealing with a lot in our country right now. We can have a good attitude or a bad attitude regarding what is going on. I found a few quotes on attitude that I would like to share:“People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.”“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change, rather than allowing it to master you.”“Everything happens for a reason, live it, love it, learn from it. Make your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.”“Attitudes are contagious, make yours worth catching.”Thanks for working out with me ladies.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 7/13/20

Bindi Q:

Tabata/ HIIT.    45/15 seconds,
1 minute break between 5 exercise set
Walk Out w/Push up
Jump n Jacks
Fast Feet
Skater Jumps
Squats w/ alt Leg Raise
Jump Lunge
Chair Squats
Fire Hydrant Right
Fire Hydrant Left
Skull Crushers
Pretzel Arms
Tricep Extensions
Shoulder Flys
Plank w/ Alt Leg Lift
Flutter Kicks
Cheerleader Sit Ups
Superman Snow Angels
Back to top Repeat 


 this is closer to 1 hour. 



Recent Workouts

Backblast 7/10/20

Margarette Q:

First Q in Jonesborough!!

Pax: Splits, Sgt Socks, Salty, Freestyle, Jewels, Bob, Doublemint, Buttercup
Warm up: jumping Jacks, high knees, mountain climbers all in cadence

The thang: 5 minute AMRAP sets (As Many Reps as possible)

Set 1
20 Sump squats
15 fire hydrants
10 curtsy lunges
5 flute bridges

Set 2
20 pushups
15 bent over rows
10 bicep curls
5 inchworms

Set 3
20 bicycles
15 plank jacks
10 Russian twists
5 flutter kicks

Set 4
20 jumping jacks
15 high knees
10 mountain climbers
5 burpees
1 lap around parking lot

We finished and were able to do set 1 and 2 again, finished with Sally.

Cot: “May you always be the one who notices the little ways light pours through. Reminding you within the chaos there’s more to life and more to you”

Recent Workouts

Backblast 7/3/20

Vanilla Ice Q:

PAX: Salty, Jewels, Msafiri, Cleats, Buttercup, and FNG BobWarmup: High knees and Arm circles in cadence. Jumping Jacks avalanche

The Thang: Each person started at 1 of the 7 stations, completed 21 reps of each exercise (3 per station) then moved on to the next for time.

The Skinny: “The weight of waiting”: In our busy, chaotic, hectic, instant gratification world, one of the hardest things we can do is wait. It often feels like the heaviest of burdens to relinquish control and wait on someone or something else. whether it be a test result, a red light, or your breakfast at McDonald’s, when we are forced to wait, we are mercilessly at the whim of some other power. And that at our core as human beings, is terrifying. We are evolutionarily conditioned to be in control of our own destiny – to control what we eat, when we eat, who we surround ourselves with, and what risks we choose to take or avoid – that is how any species survives. But our unique current world situation shows us how little control we actually have. And when we are told that the best thing to do is to sit and wait, a lot of us get frustrated and impatient. But there’s a reason why God told us just to be still – most people probably think it is because God wants us to rely on him and trust his plan for us. And I guess that is the theological interpretation, but I like to think of God as a little more snarky than that. I like to think that he is telling us to stop getting in our own way, sit down, shut up, and let the professional take care of it. Often we mess up more than we fix when we do not head the easiest of instructions like to just wait already! Although this verse is one of my favorites, it is also the hardest for me personally to apply. I am a control freak I admit it. And God has been breaking that down in me over the last year. First it was waiting for Ben to graduate, then it was waiting for him to pass his LSAT, then it was “hey wait another 6 months for your wedding”. And now it is waiting to have some tests run that could be life changing. But even as scary as that may be, and how heavy it has weighed on me to sit in this situation and wait- I have to remember that I am not the professional here. I obviously do not have all the answers – not even close. And trying to take on the responsibility of forcing things to go my way will make a much bigger mess. So, I am sitting. I am being still. I am enjoying time with my friends and loved ones. I am appreciating life in new ways and I encourage you all to do the same.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 7/1/20

Margarette Birthday Q:

Pax: Salty, G.I. Jane, F-Stop, Freestyle, Peaches, Crush
Warm up: arm circles and potato diggers in cadence

The thang: (29 reps of each exercise)
5- cardio
1 lap
Jumping jacks
Butt kickers
Plank jacks
High knees

4- legs
Overhead squats (weights)
Lunges (weights)
Side leg lifts
Calf raises (weights)

3- back/bi/shoulder
Bicep curls (weights)
Bent over rows (weights)
Shoulder press (weights)

2- chest/Tri
Tricep dips
Chest press (weights)

1- avalanche with plank


Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/29/20

Atlas Q:

PAX: Salty, Katahdin, Tinker, Bindi, Atlas
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Workout at your own risk and modify exercises as necessary. Johnson City and FiA are not liable if you get injured. Please stay 6 feet apart and don’t share equipment.

Warm-up: Run a lap to the steps and back around to the ampitheater. PAX stretched while Atlas explained the workouts.

The Thang: For this 3-2-1 workout PAX did 3 sets of exercises, running laps in between sets. The first set worked the legs with 30 squats, 20 lunges (each leg), and 10 calf raises. After a lap to the steps and back the second set worked arms with 30 tricep extensions, 20 push-ups, and 10 pretzel arms. Another lap led to our 3rd set for an ab workout. We did 30 plank jacks, 20 flutter kicks, and 10 sit-ups. PAX did a rinse and repeat starting back at set 1 and went through all three sets one more time. 

Cool Down: We finished the workout with Ring of Fire. PAX held a squat while each person did 10 jumping jacks in turn until the song was over.

The Skinny: During these unusual times, especially, it is important that we remember to be kind to one another. “You never really know the true impact you have on those around you. You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them. You never know how much your kindness turned someone’s entire life around. You never know how much someone needed that long hug or deep talk. So don’t wait to be kind. Don’t wait for someone else to be kind first. Don’t wait for better circumstances or for someone to change. Just be kind, because you never know how much someone needs it.” Nikki Banas Walk the Earth

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/27/20

Vanilla Ice Q:

PAX: GI Jane, Peaches, Doublemint, Margarette, Shop Vac, Zena, Crush, Passport, Half-Pint, J. Lo

Warmup: Jumping Jacks and Potato Diggers in cadence

The Thang: Partner DORA. One partner runs to light pole and back while the other partner does the exercise. When the running person comes back they start at where their partner left over until the reps are complete
250 Imperial Walkers
225 Calf Raises
200 Easy Situps
175 Incline Pushups
150 Curtsy Lunges
125 Extensions
100 Bicycle Crunches
75 Alternating Shoulder Taps
50 Burpees
25 Your Choice (turned into Sally)

The Skinny: “A mile is a mile, no matter how long it takes.” Don’t diminish your accomplishments because of how long or hard your journey was. Don’t compare your story to others who may not have taken as long to achieve their goals. The important thing is you made it, and the accomplishment is just as great.

Recent Workouts

Backblast 6/20/20

Margarette Q:

Pax- Crush, Balance, Vanilla Ice, Doublemint, Passport
Warm up-
Potato diggers and arm circles in cadence
Run around parkThe thang: we used 8 light poles for stations. Each station has 2 exercises then one exercise that you do to the next pole, zig-zag across the field1
20 squats
10 lunges


 grapevine2 (weights)
20 curls
10 tricep extensions


20 windmills
10 potato diggers


 right side shuffle4
20 calf raises
10 side leg lifts (per side)


 left side shuffle5
20 hallelujahs
10 pretzel arms


 lunges6 (mats)
20 flutter kicks
10 burpees


20 skater lunges
10 sumo squats


20 arm circles (forward then back)
10 pushups


 sprint back to 1

CoT: For one of my recent CoTs I talked about the importance of offering grace and understanding to others because everyone reacts differently to different situations. This week, I was beating myself up over something silly and just stopped and thought- if I’m going to tell my FiA sisters to offer grace and understanding to others, I need to be doing it to myself. None of us have everything figured out SO here’s your daily reminder to offer yourself grace too!