Recent Workouts

Run, Run, Rudolph Dora! (JC)

Q: F-Stop

AO: Riveter Station
PAX: Derby, Margarette, Remi
Warm Up: windmills, potato diggers, high knees in cadence

The Thang:
Run, Run, Rudolph Dora
Run portion: length of pavilion and back
300 Reverse Lunges
250 Upright Rows
200 100 Dolly Abs
150 75 Overhead Presses
100 50 LBCs
50 25 Plank Jacks
25 Hillbillies
We had to modify reps to complete on time.

Cool down: Stretching

COT: While we may be missing some holiday traditions, try to start new holiday traditions to find joy this holiday season. My way of doing this was through a cookie baking marathon.