Q: Boots
Where: Founders Park AO – Rosies Rise & Grind
When: 1/19/22 @ 5:30
PAX: Gish, Peppermint Patty, Doodle, Katniss, Sourdough, Callalilly
Disclaimer- FiA is not responsible, exercise at your own risk, modify up or down, …
Warmup: Thunderstruck!
- burpee when the song says “thunderstruck”
- Warm up exercises during the rest of the song: hamstrung pulls, imperial walkers, skaters, jump rope
Thang: See photo below:
- 5 cycles- each cycle 5 min 30 seconds
- (Each cycle had 40 squats, 2 man makers & 5 wood hops to help us cover those 3 BINGO squares for January)
- 1 min rest between cycles
Abdominal Ender:
- 88 second plank hold for Todays FiA plank challenge
- “What does the Fox say” – sit-ups during song, bicycle crunches during chorus
Count: 7 PAX!!!
COT: You can do anything but not everything.