Q: Boots
Where: Founders Park AO – Rosies Rise & Grind
When: 1/12/22
PAX: Gish, Peppermint Patty, Doodle, Summit, Katniss, Margarette, Peaches, Sourdough, Callalilly
Disclaimer- FiA is not responsible, exercise at your own risk, modify up or down, …
Warmup: Jog in place/ move your body while I explain the “beat down” , Tin soldiers in cadence
Thang: See photo below
- National FiAversary – 9 years!!!
- Same routine being Q’d in all AO’s nationwide this week!
- We modified by running from the bottom circle of amphitheater (for hold exercises) up the stairs to the sundial at top (for huddle exercises)
- We ended with a great “Ring of Fire”, And made it all the way to 365!
Count: 10 PAX!!!Name-o-Rama
COT: I signed up for this Q before knowing it was the National FiAversary, because yesterday was also MY 1 year FiAversary . FiA has been the best addition to my life in the past year. The pandemic (and remote schooling, and quarantine , and momming, etc) had me in a bad place with my own self care and workouts, and FiA has helped me more than I knew I needed! Thank you ladies!