Recent Workouts

3 Sequence Workout (JC)

Q: Peppermint Patty

AO: Riveter Station – RRG

PAX: Katniss, Callalilly


The Thang:

See attached picture and note we did 1:45 of each exercise rather than 2 minutes (for sake of time)

COT: Believe in yourself. You are stronger, smarter and more determined than you think.  When you feel overwhelmed, take a breath, collect yourself and  figure it out.

Recent Workouts

20-10 Tabata Twos-day (Kgspt)

Q: Bindi

AO: Dolly’s Nook

PAX: Cheetah, Gaines, Malibu, Ariel


Tabata TWOSday-

2 different Tabatas
& roll the dice in between.

Warm Up: Arm Circles, Potato Diggers, Dice around corcle, jog 1 lap

20-10 Tabata 20 Sec work/10 sec break

Jumping Jacks•Plank Jacks
Alt Rev Lunges•Side Lunges
-1min each Isometric: Plank elbows•Wall Sits
Squat•Jump Squat
Push Ups•Up/Down Plank
-1 min Isometric: R Side Plank•L Side Plank
Mt Climbers•Burpees
Bicycle Crunches•LBCs
-1min Isometric: Boat Pose•Plank on HandsDice around the circle

TOTAL Body Tabata 20/10 also

Chest Press•FLY
Squat•Calf Raises
Shoulder Press•Lat Raise
Deadlift•Russian Twists
Tricep Ext•Curls


I was walking into the Target bathroom to wash my hands this afternoon right as this woman was walking out. I guess I must have stared at her a little or something as we passed each other because she looked at me puzzled, so I just said “I’m so sorry. You just have the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen. It is gorgeous. You are stunning.”And then she goes “oh that’s so funny. I was thinking the exact same thing about you. I love yours.”And then, I kid you not, a woman from one of the stalls shouted “I’m here for this kind of support!!!!”So anyways…women are absolutely amazing. I refuse to listen to anything else. More of this please.

Recent Workouts

B.A.B.E workout (Kgspt)

Q: Bindi

AO: Dolly’s Nook

PAX: Gaines, Belle, Malibu, Rousey Red

Warm up: Arm Circles forward and backward, hillbilly walkers, potato diggers in cadence, windmiles

The Thang: in honor of National Nice/do something nice for someone Day…we did a nice BABE workout (see pic)

Cooldown: on own w/COT

COT: Be careful what you say to people.Be careful what you say about people.Be careful what you say around people.Be careful how you spill the tea.Yeah, you can clean it up, but tea still tends to stain.Words have a way of sticking with people. Those stings don’t go away with Hydrocortisone cream or Benadryl. There isn’t an easy trip to the doctor’s office that can patch it up. Those stings can take up space in their heart and minds for years and years and years, and it can ruin an otherwise perfectly healthy relationship.You can apologize. You can lie about what you said. You can try to smooth things over. You can cover it up with a cute, little checkered tablecloth from Target, but…tea still stains.
We’ve gotta remember that before we speak, before we criticize, before we gossip.
Tea stains and words sting.

Recent Workouts

Dora Bombs (JBO)

Q: DoubleMint

AO: Etta’s Nest

PAX: Salty, Sourdough


Warm-up: High knees, Windmills and Potato diggers in cadence.

The Thang: See Pic below.
We only had three of us so we rotated who did the exercises and who ran or bear crawled.

COT: My daughter has been struggling with a knee injury and sickness. She also has midterms this week. I tried to encourage her that she is stronger than she thinks. We are all stronger than we think we are.

Recent Workouts

Tombstone Hill (JC)

Q: F-Stop

AO Riveter Station – WAR

Pax: Freestyle, She Hulk, Gish, Peppermint Patty, Sourdough

On Tombstone Hill
Run up hill – 20 Squats, 20 Jacks
Jog down hill – 20 Crunches, 20 Russian Twists
Run backwards up hill – 20 Bicep Curls, 20 Lateral Raises
Jog down hill – 20 Push Ups, 20 Bridges
Repeat until time was up.

COT: My brother got married a week ago and we saw family that we hadn’t seen since before Covid. I had lost touch with how important that connection can be.

Recent Workouts

9/11 Tour de JC (JC)

Q: Gish

AO: Riveter Station – WAR

PAX: SheHulk, Acadia, Sourdough

Home Base warmup IC:
Jumping Jacks
Arm circles
Potato diggers
Butt kickers

The Thang:
Each PAX carried her own variety of weight (a water bottle, a 6-month-preg-belly, 15 lbs, and 25 lbs) on a 2.16 mile ruck around downtown JC.  We stopped at King Commons and Girls Inc for exercises as listed below before heading back to our Founders home base to stretch and cool down. All exercise reps were taken on in teams of two in an attempt to complete in time.

WTC =2016 lives        2.16 mile ruck
Pentagon = 125 lives 125 no surrenders

King Commons:
FDNY = 343
NYPD = 23
NY Port Authority = 37
Paramedics = 2
Total = 395 lives lost

135 second Wall sit at mural
130 Kettlebell Swings at circle
130 Pistol Squats at big flowers

Girls Inc.:
Flights 77 and 93 = 99 lives  99 squats
Flight 11 = 87 lives              87 push-ups
Flight 175 = 60 lives              60 burpees

While traveling back:
140 Walking lunges
(Flights 11 and 175 hit the 80th and 60th floors of the towers; 140 floors combined.)
(We got back too late to finish our no surrenders at home base.)

The Skinny:
We lost so many excellent people, 20 years ago. We were all affected in unique ways, but loss often leaves me seeking excellence. Today was a good chance to reflect on losses and rejoice in the extraordinary humans in my life, today. Continue being excellent!

Recent Workouts

Pick Your Poison (JBO)

Q: Boots

AO: Etta’s Nest

PAX: Jewels, Gish, Msafiri, Sourdough, Salty


Warmup- jog 1 parking lot lap, then imperial walkers & cherry pickers in cadence

The Thang:  “Pick your Poison”

  •   We took turns going around the circle drawing a popsicles stick out fo the cup
  •  each stick labeled with an exercise (see photos below) we got through all of them!
  • Exercise – 1 minute
  • Rest – 20 seconds

Cool down- job another lap, then stretches on your own

Count: 6 PAX!!!

COT: With the re-surge of COVID & the aggravating changes it causes in our lives….“Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we’re here we should dance”

  • Marloes de Vires
Recent Workouts

46th Birthday Q/Double Trouble (JBO)

Q: DoubleMint

AO: Etta’s Nest

PAX: Jewels, Fiecracker, Boots, Luna, Zinny, Salty

Warm up and The Thang: See pic below.

We completed all exercises in Double Trouble but we changed lunges and Brooke Burke’s to each side counting for times sake.
We did the 1st Magnolia hill run, but ran out of time for the 2nd one.:disappointed: 
We did not have time for the Burpees and Reverse Crunches.

COT: My Twin sister and I just turned 46. Thought I would share a few twin problems that only twins would understand. :joy:

Recent Workouts

HIIT Workout (Kgspt)

Q: Bindi

AO: Dolly’s Nook

PAX: Ariel, Cheetah


Warm up: arm circles, walk 2 laps

Workout dice 3 times through

HITT Workout (see picture)

Dice 2 times through

Cool down/Stretch

COT: No matter what is true and what is not, covered up, whatever…youth were traumatized by the events at VHS, lift them up. But on a happier note…I was sad a while back for my kids and this younger generation, how the world is. I was told that these kids/youth were created for such a time as thus to be stronger, smarter,  druven through it all. That helps me see that it is all for a reason bigger than I can fathom.