Recent Workouts

Descending Ladder (JBO)

Q: Zinny

AO: Etta’s Nest
PAX: Firecracker, Jewels, Salty, Margarette, Bindi

10 arm circles IC
10 windmills IC
10 jumping jacks

run curb to curb
35 second plank

35 bicycle crunches
20 burpees
10 plank with row (per side)
5 jumping jacks

run curb to curb
35 second high knees
35 calf raises
20 plank with row (per side)
10 burpees
5 jumping jacks

run curb to curb
35 second squat
35 shoulder press
20 jumping jacks
10 plank with row (per side)
5 burpees

run curb to curb
35 second high knees  35 seconds AMRAP curls
35 second push-ups
parking lot lap
Repeat 35 sec

Convicted lately of a complaining spirit and this quote comes to mind: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” Eleanor RooseveltWe cannot avoid talking about viruses and politics – important, life-changing things are happening – but just a gentle reminder that there are other things to discuss and when you are with your people, try to find a new topic, spur one another onto love & good deeds, read a book together. Exercise is great for our physical bodies but our thoughts and our words are too!