Salty Q:
5-4-3-2-1 Workout
Q: Salty
PAX: calalily, atlas, peaches, f-stop, remi
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Warm up
Stretch legs and arms 10 count
High knees
Jumping Jacks
Run a lap
5min & 5 exercises
Jumping Jacks
Mountain climbers
Side shuffles
Plank Jacks
Curbs kickers
4min & 4 exercises
Lateral raises
Tricep extension
3min & 3 exercises
Bicycle crunch
Flutter kicks
2min & 2 exercises
Left leg step ups
Right leg step ups
1min /1 exercise
Round 1 Burpees
Round 2 Plank
Round 3 Wall sit
Do this 3x
Run a lap between each set
COT: seasons – my family moved from Tampa FL 3 years ago in Dec. It’s gone by so fast. Living in that climate made me forget the beauty of all 4 seasons. It was truly a struggle when I moved here. The cold almost gave me a sort of anxiety. But over time I’ve realized that I’ll be fine! The cold won’t hurt me! I have come to truly enjoy each season in its beauty and purpose! In life we need to do the same. Don’t wish this season away! It may be tough and have its challenges but it has its beauty and purpose. Don’t wish for things to be different be present and contend in the season you’re in!Quote: Nature gives to every time and season unique beauty; from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, it’s just a succession of changes so soft and comfortable that we hardly notice the progress. -Charles DickensThere is a harmony is autumn and I listen in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen as if it could not be, as if it had not been!
-Percy Bysshe Shelley