Gish Q:
PAX: Peaches, G.I. Jane, Mona Lisa, All Star, Katahdin
Equipment: assorted mini resistance bands, mats, a die for randomization
Warm Up:
Arm circles
Potato diggers
Side stretches with with legs wide
The Thang:
Start with a cardio circuit!
Roll a die to choose an exercise, of which you will do 5 reps, focusing on form most of all. After each round, do a cardio circuit.
Hold plank or squat after completing cardio.
Cardio Circuit:
10 burpees
15 plank jacks
20 squats
15 leg lifts
10 calf raises
Renegade Rows
Put band around hands and assume plank position
Alternate raising each hand to shoulder and back down to plank
Peter Parker variation
Put band around feet and assume plank position
Lift left knee to left elbow; then right knee to right elbow .
Crunchy Boats
Put band around feet and lie back into a low boat with shoulders and straight legs off the ground
Bring feet narrow and wide
Crunch up with wide legs to touch elbows and knees
Boat Goddess
Put band around hands and assume a high boat/v with hands over head
While keeping legs off ground, pull arms out and down (goddess arms)
Ventral raise
Put band around hands and hold arms straight down
Alternate raising each hand to shoulder height and back down
Dead Bug Variation
Put band around hands and lie on back with arms wide overhead and legs at 90 degrees. Alternate straightening one leg at a time to hover above the ground while raising arms toward sky.
We ended the workout with our squat challenge workout for the day: 25 squats, 20 sumo squats, and 15 squat jumps.
The skinny: I’m not usually one to share a quote from any person, but one thing I heard this week was, “Don’t believe everything you think.” Confirmation bias is a dangerous drug, and everyone is susceptible to its false comfort. People find it much easier to be skeptical about things they hear as long as it doesn’t align with their own beliefs or preconceived ideas. We have to fight this and be open to challenging our own thoughts, whether they’re negative, as in thinking a rainy workout will be awful, or optimistic, like political struggles being resolved the way we hope. We have to remember to be open to contrasting views and know that we are probably wrong as often as we are right, and that’s perfectly natural!