Q: Summit
November 24, 2020
AO Kingsport
Pax: Ariel, Wonder Woman, Bindi, Dinozzo, Gaines
Warm up: Power walk 2 circles, jog 2 circles. IC jumping jacks, windmills, high knees
The Thang: A four corners workout, but in the park circle!
As a group we completed the following sets of exercises, followed by a moving exercise to the next “corner”/station. We squatted until all Pax arrived to the next station. We were able to complete both sets fully, then cooled down.
Set 1:
1 min Wall sit
20 step ups
20 dead lifts
20 Shoulder taps
Duck walk
Crab walk
Set 2:
1 min wall sit
20 tricep dips
20 side bends
20 hydraulics
Front lunge
Side lunge
COT: Start a “thread” of all the good things that happened in 2020. I saw this idea posted on social media and I just love the idea that we can create a mental thread of all the good things that have happened this year, among the obvious bad. Just a quick list in your mind of the good- this mental reframing is so helpful going into this Thanksgiving week that we really have a lot to be thankful for.