Q: Splits
AO: Ettas Nest
PAX: Firecracker, Numbers, Zinny, Doublemint
Warm up:
Potatoes diggers
Static oblique stretches
High knees
The thing:
24 of everything
Little baby crunches, cherry pickers, heels to heaven, scissor kicks, hello dolly’s, ankle biters, Russian twists, and superwomans.
3 sets. With a bridge lap and 25 push ups inbetween.
1st set no weights, 2nd set with hand weights, 3rd set optional weights.
1 minute of each: regular plank, shoulder taps in a plank, hip dips, and each side plank.
Cool Down:
Prone press up
Child pose
Static oblique stretches
COT: Lately I’ve been going through a rough patch of health uncertainties. The main thing I’ve been able to tell myself to keep going is, James 1:2-5 “Consider it PURE JOY my brothers and sisters when you face trials of many kinds. Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perservearnce.” Remeber whether you’re tackling a mountain or a mole hill, that God is with you and He has such great plans for you out of these struggles!