Recent Workouts


Q: Margarette

AO: Riveter Station – RRG

PAX: Boots, Peaches, F-stop, M. safari, Peppermint Patty, Callalily, Katniss

Warmup: in cadence jumping jacks, high knees and potato diggers

The Thang: all PAX start the exercise on their own then when someone gets to 100, they call it out and the whole PAX stops and runs a mileMillennial

C- crockpot squats
H- heel beats
R- Rosalitas
I- Indian style LBCs
S- speed skaters
T- tricep dip
M- monkey humpers
A- alternating shoulder taps
S- soldier jacks
End with Burpees(We made it to tricep dips then was interrupted by a burpee train)