Atlas Q:
To the Nines Birthday Q
Q: Atlas
PAX: Margarette, Crush, Atlas
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Workout at your own risk and modify exercises as necessary.
Warm-up: 7 burpees and 2 laps around the Farmer’s Market for ‘72 (the year I was born).
The Thang: It’s my birthday (9/9) so we did 9 reps of 9 different exercises (sit-ups, lunges, leg raises, tricep dips, plank jacks, windmills, donkey kicks, step-ups, and little baby crunches). After this set of 9 exercises we did 48 jumping jacks (for my age). Then, we repeated the set of 9 exercises and 48 jumping jacks. We did three rounds.
Cool Down: 7 squats and 2 toe touch stretches
The Skinny: My favorite quote from Winston Churchill says, “We make a living by what we get. We make life by what we give.” What we do for others is so important and infinitely more rewarding than doing for ourselves. Try to do something for someone else today.