Atlas Q:
Thunder and Lightning Workout
Q: Atlas
Date: Wednesday, July 29th 5:30am
PAX: G.I. Jane, F-Stop, Derby, Peaches, Atlas
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Workout at your own risk and modify exercises as necessary. Johnson City and FiA are not liable if you get injured. Please stay 6 feet apart and don’t share equipment.
Warm-up: High knees and potato diggers in cadence
The Thang: Run a Farmer’s Market lap between sets.
100 Jumping Jacks
90 Squats
80 Bicycle Crunches
70 Russian Twists
60 Rosalitas
50 LBCs
40 Mountain Climbers
30 Hallelujahs
20 Step ups
10 Burpees
The Skinny: We often hear motivational speakers say we should be like an oak tree. Oaks are strong and have deep roots. They are rigid and don’t move. But if an oak tree has a crack then a strong wind can make it snap. Instead of a rigid oak tree we should strive to be like a willow. A willow is not rigid. It is flexible and blows with the wind. We often have situations (especially now) that are difficult. Allowing ourselves to be flexible will help us get through.