ShopVac Q (Quarantine Field Day):
Pax of 7 which included 2 FNGs (Welcome @check list and @highlander) Salty, Doublemint, Lucy, Shop-Vac, Sgt Socks
We did a criss cross pattern across the field for our field day Q today. Starting at the first light pole, we crossed the field to the adjacent light pole doing long jumps. At the second pole, we bear crawled back across the field to the pole. Finally, we made it to the pole and turned around and lunged back across the field once more. When we finally finished lunging across the field, we sprinted the semicircle back to the beginning and did 20 pushups, 20 tri dips and 20 crunches with a rinse and repeat once.After everyone finished 2 rounds of this, we introduced sally with pushups to our two new fngs. After sally, we proceeded to run suicided of 2 poles on the field with 10 squats at each pole and finishing with 10 burpees. Rinsed and repeated the suicides making a set of 2 suicides and we finished up with a ring of fire of squats.We finally cooled down with a long stretch and named our two new FNGs.
typically, at the end of year, I love doing a field AQ to celebrate the end of school in the beginning of summer. This year, field day looked a little different just like everything else has lately. But what we celebrate and how we celebrate it shouldn’t look any different. The celebration of what has ended whether it be good, bad, a growing experience, or hurtful is important because it allows us to look forward to the next season with hope. To my wish for you all is that you take a moment to celebrate the ending of this season, regardless of how you feel about it, so that you can open yourself up to look forward to the next season with hope!