Salty Q:
PAX: Sgt Socks, Pollo Loco, water bear, Boulder, beep beep and Salty
Equipment: mat
Warm up questions – everyone does the exercise till everyone names these things.
Jumping jacks – Coffee drinks
High knees – coffee mediums
Arm circles – Coffee brands
Potato diggers – countries where they produce coffee
The Thang:
My fave coffee drinks: Espresso 30g caffeine 30 BURPEES
Bullet coffee 50 g fat 50 MTN CLIMBERS
Diner coffee 95 caffeine 95 PUSHUPS
Pour over 145mg caffeine 145 TRICEP DIPS
Americano 225 mg caffeine 225 SQUATS
Nitro 16oz is 280mg caff 280 GLUTE BRIDGE
Dora style partner workout. One partner runs to the benches while the other does the workout. Together the two will complete all the reps and exercises above.
The Skinny: COT Nothing spectacular really. Just an encouragement to do the next right thing!! Don’t think so far in the future that you forget to do the right thing today!!