Peaches Q:
Q: peaches
Birthday Q – part deux!
PAX: Atlas, Margarette, Remi, CallaLilly, Gish
Welcome /disclaimer
Warmup – stretches, high knees IC
Round 1:
40 sumo squats
5 laps of stairs with weights
30 ankle biters each side
5 laps of stairs with weights
20 Carolina Dry Docks
5 laps of stairs with weights
10 burpees
5 laps of stairs with weights
Round 2:
40 high knees
5 laps of stairs with weights
30 Mtn Climbers to Plank jack
5 laps of stairs with weights
20 push ups
5 laps of stairs with weights
10 rolling elbow planks
5 laps of stairs with weightsI had two more rounds planned, but I guess we’ll save those for another morning
“The secret is Christ in me; not me in different circumstances” Elisabeth Elliot
Maybe I think I can be a better mom if my children just listened better, or maybe I could be a better wife if I had more help, or if life was easier I could do much more…..
But really, it isn’t about what’s going on around me, but what’s going on INSIDE me & WHO I’m allowing to guide me …… fear, insecurities, frustrations, resentment, etc. No matter what my circumstances, Christ is there wanting to be my guide if I’ll just let him.