Q: Salty
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional. Do this workout at your own risk and modify as needed.
WARM-UP: We did jumping jacks and forward/backward arm circles in cadence to 5. PAX did high knees and stretching as Q explained the workout.
THE THANG: Since I’m a teacher and we go back to school this week, I planned a Back to School workout. For spelling, I had a list of exercises for every letter of the alphabet. PAX had to spell their FiA name with 24 reps of each letter because this is my 24th year of teaching. Our two FNGs spelled their first names. Since some names are longer than others those that finished first went on do 5 reps (I teach 5th grade) of the vowels, A,E,I,O,U, and Y. Then we did squats until the last one finished. After the spelling lesson we went on to math. This consisted of a roll of the dice. Everyone rolled once and we did whatever came up on the dice. We did a few 1 minute wall sits, several Russian twists, bicycle crunches and burpees. Then came the burpee train. We did more burpees until the train passed. After everyone had their turn to roll the dice we had just enough time to do “Sally” with more squats.

THE SKINNY: To expand on the Back to School theme my COT was something that I plan to share with my students on the first day. Any time we start something new, whether it is an exercise routine, a new job, being a new mom, moving to a new place, or anything else, we can often get negative thoughts in our head. We tell ourselves things like “I can’t do it”, “I don’t get it”, “This doesn’t work”, or my own thought, “I’m not a runner”. If we find ourselves saying those things we need to take a deep breath, step back and add one word to the end of that sentence. “I can’t do it yet”, “I don’t get it yet”, “This doesn’t work yet”, “I’m not a runner yet”. We may not get it tomorrow or even next month, but if we have the mindset of YET, we are much more likely to make it happen. It may not be easy, but it doesn’t mean you’re never going to meet the challenge.