Remi Q:
Q: Remi
Pax: Margarette, CallaLilly, Derby, Peaches
Warm Up: Arm Circles in cadence, Potato Diggers in cadence
Workout: Food & Wine Festival 50/50
50 high knees RLC
20 squats
20 fire hydrants RLC
10 one leg calf raises (each side)
Run half the farmers market
50 toe taps (switch halfway)
20 plank jacks
20 bicep curls
10 shoulder presses
Run half the farmers market
50 jumping jacks
20 crunches
20 flutter kicks RLC
10 rosalitas
Run half the farmers market
CoT: “Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.” It’s been a really difficult time lately and tense/stressful situations have only gotten worse. Even in what seems like the worst moment or worst interaction, I want to make sure that I am choosing a positive attitude and radiating that to others.