Summit Q:
Q: Summit
Pax: GI Jane, Passport, Jewels, Elsa, Remi, Margarette, Crush
Warm up: one jogging lap around the field and IC: 10 windmills, 10 potato diggers, 10 jumping jacks
The Thang: Inspired by the Fia lexicon, we did a Dora variation on the field!
This is a partner workout: while one partner does a stationary exercise, the other partner runs a designated area on the field and back. Together, partners complete a total number of exercises.
This variation included three sets, with each set having a different plyometric exercise and activity down the field.
- 300 jump squats + run (modification: squat + toe raise or standard squat & walk/jog)
- 200 wall to wall jumps + bear crawl (modification: rotating side squats/lunges & forward lunges)
- 100 knee tuck jumps + crab walk (modification: imperial walkers & side/lateral duck walk)
Cool down: walk across field and gentle stretching OYO
COT: Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving.
Announcements: October 10 is a Fia hike led by Margarette at 10am, this is open to families/kids. October 23 is a Fia social fire night hosted by me!