Recent Workouts

Backblast 8/6/20

Salty Q:

Q – Salty
PAX – Sgt. Sox, Troy, Mango, DoubleMint, ShopVac

WARM UP: high knees, potato diggers, wind mills, arm stretches, leg stretches

Roll the Dice – 42 reps of each exercise AMRAP1 Narwhals (Leg extended up and pulse)
2 Boxcutters
3 Curb Kickers
4 Lunge Squat Lunge
5 Rainbow Butt
6 American Pie Sit-ups (Sit up & touch toes)
7 Crockpot Squat – 3 count squat
8 Dead bugs w/weight (on back, elbows to knees)
9 Dolly – (lay back, feet 6in off ground, scissor back & forth)
10 False Start – (Plank, jump in & out, Jack 2x)
11 Monkey Humpers
12 Crisscross Applesauce Crunch

**Run a lap after everyone has gone**

For our last 15 min we will do “Arm bag”. I have a ziplock bag with popsicle sticks and there are three arm exercises on each. We will choose the reps depending on how much time we have left. But they will be something like 30-20-10 reps. Completed on your own and then we will switch. Until time is up. For Covid I will put one on the ground in front of everyone and then we will rotate or I’ll just move them from person to person.

COT – My BIGGEST STRUGGLE these days is being flexible!! I want things MY WAY!! Imagine that!! Im trying so hard to be more flexible. Thats something that has always been hard for me but ESPECIALLY with these days!! So many unknowns! So many changes so quickly. So much stress and chaos! I encourage you to be flexible! Thats something you can only practice in the moment!!