Q: Numbers
AO Etta’s Nest
PAX: Jewels, Luna, Doublemint
WarmUp: potato diggers, arm circles, run weights to the end of the parking lot and run back to your mats
Run to end of the parking lot (where weights are) and complete first exercise listed
Then run back to the “mat” side and do first exercise listed.
Run back and forth and do each exercise listed on each side of the parking lot.
Weighted Side of the Parking Lot (25 of each):
1. Hammer Curls w/ Calf Raises
2. Tricep Kickbacks
3. Bicep curls w/ squats
4. Overhead tricep extension
5. Russian Twists
6. Squat thrusts
7. Deadlift
8. Row
9. Upright Row
10. Standing chest press
Mat Side of the Parking Lot (25 of each):
1. Calf Raises
2. Tricep Dips
3. Squats
4. Tricep Dip
5. Plank Jacks
6. Bird Dogs (RSC)
7. Donkey Kicks (RSC)
8. Fire Hydrants (RSC)
9. Flutter Kicks (RSC)
10. Push-ups
(Start over/repeat if time allows until 6:05am)
AB Work:
25 each – LBCs, flutter kicks, Rosalitas, Mtn. Climbers
Hold plank x 1 min
Hold glutei bridge x 1 min
Stretch/cool down