Recent Workouts

Holiday Meal time! (JC)

Q: Peaches

AO: Riveter Station – WAR

PAX: Peppermint Patty, CallaLilly, Silks (2.0), Acadia

Cardio “step” routine to Carrie Underwood’s “Stretchy Pants” song

It’s a HOLIDAY MEAL! :shallow_pan_of_food:I hid 6 food items throughout Founders Park.
Each dish had 3 exercises associated with it (more difficult exercises were assigned to sugary items).

PAX divided into pairs & were given an envelope of FiA “funny money” with increments of $5, $10, $20, $50, & $100.

PAX pairs drew a food item they had to find first.

Once they found the food item, they had to decide how much to “spend” on each exercise. Each $1 = 1 rep (Right-leg-count for some exercises).

PAX pairs left the amount they spent at each item, & drew which item they had to go find next.

The goal was to make it to all 6 food items & spend all your money – & hopefully get a good workout too.

COT: “Fear comes free; Hope takes work.”You don’t have to say to yourself, “today, I’m going to deliberately think these negative things.”You didn’t have to tell yourself, “Today when I’m at the grocery store I want to focus on that stupid thing I said or did 3 years ago.”You don’t have to go looking for fear – it will find you automatically – without any effort.The positive side of things is where it takes work; it takes being deliberate, it takes being repetitive. And that’s the challenge.