Q: Salty
AO: Ettas Nest
PAX: Firecracker, Jewels, Zinny, Gish
Warmup: The Grinch Song – high knees till you hear “Mr Grinch” and then burpee
The Thang:
See pic – each circuit two times and then run a lap in between.
*ran a parking lot lap between sets
COT: please keep our family in your prayers. My brother in law is going through a horrendous divorce. He’s being accused of the worst crimes against his only child (by the adults not the child) but they’ve found nothing. Her family is just trying to ruin him in any way possible. It’s so sad to watch. But it had brought our family together and we’re thankful for that “Christmas miracle.” It didn’t look the way we thought it would but it’s a blessing nonetheless.