Shop-Vac Q:
Q: Shop-vac
Pax: Beep Beep, Troy, River, Kiawah, Crossbow, Flipper, Amiga, Derby, Shop-vac
For my work out to celebrate my birthday, we played lots of party games. To begin with we split into two teams and play four rounds of tic-tac-toe. Each space went with a work out of 10 reps. The winning space you do 36 reps of that workout (see picture)

After this, we went into the field where I had foam squares spread out into a long line. While the music was playing, we duck walked around the mats in a line. When the music stopped, we each ran to claim a spot. as in musical chairs, there was one spot less than the number of women and the person who didn’t get a square stood on the side and held a squat while we duck walked for the next round. We did this until all of the women were eliminated and there was a winner.
Next we did a minute to win it with push-ups. The goal was to do 60 push-ups in a minute. Everyone finish their push-ups and for every 10 they had left over, we did one burpee as a group. For example, if I only got 38 pushups in, we had to do for burpees as a group.
Lastly was a coin flip. Every one had a coin and the goal was to get 10 heads. You flip the coin if it is a head you counted as one, and flip it again. If you get a in sit ups, and flip again. You flip it until you finally get to 10 heads but doing sit ups for every tells you get in-between.
COT: during this crazy season, everyone’s lives have changed and things are different. Birthdays don’t look like they usually do, school looks different, FiA looks different, and i could go on and on. But we all have the opportunity to learn something and do something in this time. In this season, I have learned that peace in my home and within my family unit helps to create peace in the rest of my life and has brought me immense amounts of joy. What I have chosen to do regarding that is to make sure that I’m a peacemaker within my home. That I do all within my power to contribute to the peace of my family and of my home instead of contributing to the chaos that is already surrounding us in copious amounts. I challenged all of the women to take a moment over the next few days and evaluate what they have learned in the season and to recognize something that they can do in this season.