Recent Workouts

Backblast 12/11/19

Threat Level Q:

PAX of 5- Threat Level, Peaches, Gish, All Star and Margarette


Jog to warm up

The thang:
Jog a lap between each exercise
100 squats
90 mountain climbers
80 pretzel arms
70 jumping jacks
60 lunges
50 crunches
40 shoulder taps
30 tricep extensions
20 curls
10 burpees

COT- With moving to a new place throughout the week, I’ve been so busy and haven’t been able to enjoy much time with my daughter. She is growing so fast and this is such a fun age, so I want to slow down and really enjoy this season. I encouraged everyone else to slow down and enjoy the things that are important to them right now.