Q: Bindi
AO: Dolly’s Nook
PAX: Gaines, Belle, Malibu, Rousey Red
Warm up: Arm Circles forward and backward, hillbilly walkers, potato diggers in cadence, windmiles
The Thang: in honor of National Nice/do something nice for someone Day…we did a nice BABE workout (see pic)
Cooldown: on own w/COT
COT: Be careful what you say to people.Be careful what you say about people.Be careful what you say around people.Be careful how you spill the tea.Yeah, you can clean it up, but tea still tends to stain.Words have a way of sticking with people. Those stings don’t go away with Hydrocortisone cream or Benadryl. There isn’t an easy trip to the doctor’s office that can patch it up. Those stings can take up space in their heart and minds for years and years and years, and it can ruin an otherwise perfectly healthy relationship.You can apologize. You can lie about what you said. You can try to smooth things over. You can cover it up with a cute, little checkered tablecloth from Target, but…tea still stains.
We’ve gotta remember that before we speak, before we criticize, before we gossip.
Tea stains and words sting.