Salty Q:
Birthday Q Salty
PAX: Marguerite, crush, Bindi, Atlas, Jewels, GIJane, Passport, Splits, FStopDisclaimer
The Thang:
5 stations 4-3-4-3 reps AMRAP of those till the song is finished. When a new song comes on switch stations.
Station 1
4 push-ups
3mountain climbers
4 curls
3 presses
Station 2
4 squats
3 lunges
4 curtsy lunges
3 spider mans (Peter Parker’s)
Station 3
4 sit-ups
3 bicycle crunches
4 rosalitas
3 flutter kicks
Station 4
4 jumping jacks
3 high knees
4 curb kickers
3 box jumps (make a square)
Station 5
4 right pulse lunges
3 right fire hydrants
4 left pulse lunges
3 left fire hydrants
Dora – partner workout – one is exercising while the other runs half the pavilion and back
250 – overhead claps
200 – Tricep dips
150 – shoulder taps *didn’t finish the Dora *
COT: since it’s my birthday I’ve been feeling super reflective. I’ve actually been hard on myself because I’m not where I want to be! But I remember that this isn’t a sprint to the end but a marathon! I give myself some grace and then make adjustments. Today is Monday . . . A new week! So I’m telling myself that I’m adding more vegetables to my plate at every meal this week!! That’s something small I’m doing this week! I’ve also said YES to a family member who needed my help this week! It was super last minute and it will definitely put a wrench in my plans for the week! But I need help in being flexible and not always in control so I said YES! This is another way I’m working to be better this week – this year!!
“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
Jeremiah 31:25 NIV