Buttercup Q:
Q: Buttercup
Date: Friday, August 7, 2020
PAX: Salty, Jewels, Doublemint, Splits, Strings, Firecracker, Cleats, Honeybee and Buttercup
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Workout at your own risk and pace, FIA is not responsible for any injuries. Modify up or down as need be. Also want to remind us to practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet apart from one another.
Warm up: Plank Jacks, Little Baby Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers in cadence
The Thang: 11’s (10 merkins (push up) run to the end of the parking lot then 1 squat then run back to start. Continued working down on merkin numbers and up on squats, total number totaling 11….9 merkins/2 squats; 8 merkins/3 squats and so on with running the parking lot between each exercise. Worked down to 1 merkin/10 squats.Parking Space/Run Partner Exercise:
We paired up with a partner. One partner would run a quick lap around the library while the other partner did the 4-corner parking space exercises.
Corner 1: 10 Drydocks then sidestep to
Corner 2: 10 Lunges then backpedal to
Corner 3: 10 V-ups then run to
Corner 4: 10 Airpresses
Continue to cycle through running and parking space exercises until 6:05am
What do you find yourself putting your hope in? While this may seem like a very simple “known” answer, I’d like to ask you to ponder it. Is it your spouse or your children? What happens when they respond sharply or don’t live up to our expectations? How do we respond? Is it a friend? What happens when they let us down? What about work? Activities? Hobbies? It can be easy to even unknowingly place our hope in others, things or events-but we have all lived long enough to know that each of them will let us down and disappoint. I have really come to recognize, especially over this quarantine, that I have been misplacing my hope in these kinds of things and I have found myself at times frustrated, disappointed and let down. So how do we maintain our hope or joy? For the Christian, we focus our hope on the object of our faith.Hebrews 12:1-2 counsels us “Therefore, since we have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily entangles us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith.” I want to encourage all of us-myself included. Next time we find ourselves disappointed in a person or situation, to stop and ask ourselves “Where is my hope?”