Atlas Q:
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 30th, 5:30am
PAX: Passport, Margarette, Gish, Soto, Crush, Atlas
Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Workout at your own risk and modify exercises as necessary.
Warm-up: Run a lap around to the steps and back to the amphitheater. PAX stretched while Atlas explained the workouts.
The Thang: We did 3 rounds of 50/50 then a lap, 3 more rounds, a lap, and 3 more rounds. Round 1 was 50 jumping jacks, 10 pushups, 20 squats, and 20 bicycle crunches. We held plank until everyone was finished. We ran a lap before the next round. Round 2 started with 50 high knees, then 15 V-ups, 20 squat jumps, and 15 superwomen. We held a squat until everyone was finished. We ran a lap before the next round. We started Round 3 with 50 mountain climbers, then on to 15 lunges, 20 plank jacks, and 15 skater lunges. We held squat until everyone was finished.
Cool Down: PAX stretched it out as we circled up.
The Skinny: Today’s COT was more for myself than anyone else, but someone else may have needed to hear it. I try to live a healthy lifestyle by eating right and exercising, but I often make excuses to avoid what I know is right. I have to tell myself over and over again that “I am worth it”. I have to stop making excuses and do what is right because I’m worth the effort.